Here are some common questions that you may be asked in the IELTS Speaking Exam.
Follow the steps below:
- Look at the question carefully and think about some ideas for this.
- Pay atttention to suggested ideas to see whether they can help build up your answers.
- Try to use the phrases provided to structure your answers in the more appropriate way.
- Answer the question.
- Read the sample answer at the end to see what you can learn from it.
- Learn some useful vocabulary related to the topic.
1. What do you usually do in the evening?
– Ideas: You might spend your evenings relaxing, watching TV, or spending time with friends and family. Think about the activities that you typically do in the evening.
– Useful phrases: “In the evenings, I usually…”, “I find that [activity] is a great way to wind down after a long day…”, “One of my favorite things to do in the evenings is [activity]…”
2. What is your favorite evening activity?
– Ideas: You might have a preference for activities such as reading, cooking, or going for a walk. Think about the activity that you enjoy the most in the evening.
– Useful phrases: “My favorite evening activity is…”, “I find that [activity] helps me feel more [adjective]…”, “Doing [activity] in the evening is a great way to [purpose or benefit]…”
3. How do you usually spend your evenings on weekdays?
– Ideas: You might have a different routine on weekdays than on weekends, such as working late, studying, or attending social events. Think about how your weekday evenings differ from your weekend evenings.
– Useful phrases: “On weekdays, I usually…”, “I find that my weekday evenings are more [adjective] than my weekends because…”, “Although my weekday evenings can be busy, I try to make time for [activity or task]…”
4. What time do you usually go to bed?
– Ideas: You might go to bed early or stay up late, depending on your schedule and preferences. Think about the time that you typically go to bed.
– Useful phrases: “I usually go to bed at [time]…”, “I find that getting [amount of sleep] is important for me to feel [adjective] the next day…”, “Although I try to stick to a bedtime routine, sometimes I stay up late to [activity or task]…”
5. What do you usually eat in the evening?
– Ideas: You might have dinner, snacks, or a light meal in the evening. Think about the types of food that you typically consume in the evening.
– Useful phrases: “For dinner, I usually eat…”, “I find that [type of food] is a great way to [purpose or benefit] in the evening…”, “Although I try to eat healthy in the evening, sometimes I indulge in [type of food]…”
6. How do you feel in the evening?
– Ideas: You might feel relaxed, tired, or energized in the evening, depending on your daily activities and mood. Think about how you typically feel in the evening.
– Useful phrases: “In thCe evening, I usually feel…”, “I find that [activity or task] helps me feel more [adjective] in the evening…”, “Although I sometimes feel [adjective] in the evening, I try to do [activity or task] to improve my mood…”