IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted

Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted

You should say:

What it was

When you received it

Who gave it to you

And explain why you wanted it so much



What it was:

  • A gift from a friend or family member
  • A toy you wanted as a child
  • A piece of technology or gadget you had been saving up for
  • A rare or hard-to-find item
  • A book or album you had been wanting to read/listen to


  • It was a [describe the item].
  • The [item] had been on my wish list for a long time.
  • I had wanted the [item] for as long as I could remember.
  • It was something I had been saving up for.
  • I had been searching for the [item] for ages.


When you received it:

  • On a special occasion like a birthday or holiday
  • As a surprise gift
  • After waiting a long time or going through a difficult period
  • When you had given up hope of ever getting it


  • I received it on my [birthday/Christmas/graduation/etc.].
  • It was a complete surprise when [person] gave it to me.
  • I had been going through a tough time, so receiving the [item] was a real pick-me-up.
  • I had given up hope of ever getting the [item], so receiving it was an amazing surprise.


Who gave it to you:

  • A friend or family member
  • A romantic partner
  • A colleague or boss
  • A stranger or acquaintance who knew you wanted it


  • It was a gift from my [friend/mom/dad/etc.].
  • My [boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse] surprised me with it.
  • It was a reward from my [boss/colleague].
  • A [stranger/acquaintance] who knew how much I wanted it gave it to me.


And explain why you wanted it so much:

  • It held sentimental value
  • It was a symbol of status or accomplishment
  • It represented a personal goal or aspiration
  • It would bring joy or satisfaction in some way


  • It held a lot of sentimental value for me because [explain reason].
  • The [item] was a symbol of [status/accomplishment/etc.] that I had been striving for.
  • It represented a personal goal of mine, and I was thrilled to finally achieve it.
  • I knew that having the [item] would bring me joy/fulfillment/satisfaction because [explain reason].