IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 1

IELTS Speaking 2024 Part 1: Numbers and maths

  1. What numbers do you like?
    • Useful expressions:
      • “I have a preference for…”
      • “One number I particularly like is…”
      • “I find certain numbers…”
    • Grammar structure: Present simple tense
    • Sample answer:
      • “I have a preference for even numbers. There’s something satisfying about their symmetry and balance. One number I particularly like is 8, because it’s often associated with prosperity and good fortune in many cultures.”
  2. What numbers are important to you?
    • Useful expressions:
      • “Numbers that hold significance for me include…”
      • “I attach importance to…”
      • “Certain numbers have personal meaning because…”
    • Grammar structure: Present simple tense
    • Sample answer:
      • “Numbers that hold significance for me include my birthdate, my lucky number, and important anniversaries. I attach importance to these numbers because they represent milestones and memorable moments in my life.”
  3. Are you good at remembering telephone numbers?
    • Useful expressions:
      • “I find it easy/difficult to remember…”
      • “Remembering telephone numbers is something I struggle with because…”
      • “I rely on…”
    • Grammar structure: Present simple tense
    • Sample answer:
      • “I find it easy to remember certain telephone numbers, especially those of close friends and family. However, remembering random or unfamiliar numbers is something I struggle with because my memory tends to be selective. I rely on saving contacts in my phone or using speed dial for convenience.”
  4. Do you need to use numbers in the future?
    • Useful expressions:
      • “In the future, I anticipate…”
      • “Numbers will play a role in…”
      • “I foresee…”
    • Grammar structure: Future simple tense
    • Sample answer:
      • “In the future, I anticipate needing to use numbers in various aspects of my life. Whether it’s managing finances, analyzing data, or simply keeping track of important dates, numbers will play a role in my everyday activities. I foresee the need to develop my numeracy skills to navigate the challenges of an increasingly digitized world.”
  5. Do you like learning maths?
    • Useful expressions:
      • “I’m fond of…”
      • “What I enjoy about learning maths is…”
      • “Maths has always intrigued me because…”
    • Grammar structure: Present simple tense
    • Sample answer:
      • “I’m fond of learning maths, especially when I can see its practical applications in real life. What I enjoy about it is the logical reasoning and problem-solving skills it cultivates. Maths has always intrigued me because of its ability to uncover patterns and relationships in the world around us.”
  6. Do you think it’s difficult to learn maths well?
    • Useful expressions:
      • “I find…”
      • “One challenge with learning maths is…”
      • “It can be daunting because…”
    • Grammar structure: Present simple tense
    • Sample answer:
      • “I find that learning maths well can be challenging for some people. One challenge is the abstract nature of certain concepts, which can be difficult to grasp without tangible examples. It can be daunting because it requires patience and perseverance to master complex mathematical concepts. However, with the right approach and practice, anyone can improve their maths skills.”