IELTS WritingWriting Task 2

Đề thi thật IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 27/4/2024: Cosmetic surgery

An increasing number of people are choosing cosmetic surgery/ plastic surgery. Why do people have operations to change the way they look? Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Suggested Ideas for IELTS Writing Task 2

Reasons Why People Choose Cosmetic Surgery

  1. Self-esteem and Body Image: Many individuals opt for cosmetic surgery to improve their self-esteem and body image. They believe that changing certain aspects of their appearance will make them more confident and socially accepted.
  2. Ageing and Beauty Standards: In a society that values youth and beauty, people often feel pressured to maintain a youthful appearance. Cosmetic surgeries such as facelifts and botox are common among older demographics to reduce signs of aging.
  3. Health and Functional Reasons: Some surgeries are undertaken not just for aesthetic appeal but also for functional benefits. For example, rhinoplasty can correct breathing issues apart from altering nose shape.
  4. Influence of Media and Celebrities: The portrayal of ideal beauty standards through media and celebrities can influence individuals to undergo cosmetic procedures to emulate these ideals.

Implications of the Increase in Cosmetic Surgery

  1. Positive Development: It can be seen positively as it provides individuals with the power to control their bodies and boost their self-confidence. Also, advances in medical technology make surgeries safer and more accessible.
  2. Negative Development: There are risks involved, including surgery complications, psychological impacts, and perpetuation of unrealistic beauty standards. It might also indicate a societal problem where too much importance is placed on physical appearance.

Useful Vocabulary

  • Cosmetic surgery (phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ): Surgery to improve appearance rather than health.
  • Self-esteem (lòng tự trọng): Confidence in one’s own worth or abilities.
  • Youthful appearance (vẻ ngoài trẻ trung): Looking young or younger than one is.
  • Aesthetic appeal (sức hấp dẫn thẩm mỹ): The attractiveness or beauty of something.
  • Ideal beauty standards (chuẩn mực sắc đẹp lý tưởng): Generally accepted criteria or norms for beauty that are highly regarded in a society.

Useful Collocations

  • Undergo surgery (trải qua phẫu thuật): To have a surgical operation.
  • Boost self-confidence (tăng cường tự tin): To increase belief in one’s own abilities and appearance.
  • Reduce signs of aging (giảm dấu hiệu lão hóa): To make aging effects less visible.
  • Emulate ideals (bắt chước lý tưởng): To imitate or copy something admired.


In recent years, there has been a notable surge in the number of people opting for cosmetic surgery. This essay will explore the reasons behind this trend and discuss whether it represents a positive or negative development.One primary reason individuals undergo cosmetic surgery is to enhance their self-esteem. In a society that often equates beauty with success, altering physical features to fit societal standards can significantly boost an individual’s confidence and social acceptance. For instance, surgeries like breast augmentation or rhinoplasty are frequently sought to align with contemporary beauty ideals, providing a sense of belonging and self-worth.

Moreover, the aging population seeks to maintain a youthful appearance through cosmetic interventions. Procedures such as facelifts and botox injections are common among older adults striving to reduce the visible effects of aging. This desire is partly driven by ageism in the workforce, where younger-looking individuals are often perceived as more energetic and efficient. Consequently, cosmetic surgery can offer both personal satisfaction and professional advantages.

However, the increasing prevalence of cosmetic surgery is not devoid of concerns. The risks associated with surgical procedures, such as complications and the possibility of addiction to cosmetic enhancements, are significant. Furthermore, this trend perpetuates unrealistic standards of beauty, contributing to widespread body dissatisfaction and mental health issues among the population. The societal pressure to undergo potentially hazardous procedures to achieve an often unattainable appearance can be viewed as a negative development.

In conclusion, while cosmetic surgery can provide substantial benefits in terms of improved self-esteem and social perceptions, it also poses serious risks and societal challenges. The trend highlights a concerning shift towards valuing appearance over inherent qualities and abilities. Therefore, it is crucial to foster a culture that prioritizes genuine self-acceptance and celebrates diverse forms of beauty, mitigating the perceived necessity for cosmetic alteration.