IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 1

IELTS Speaking: Pollutions

Here are some common questions that you may be asked in the IELTS Speaking Exam.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Look at the question carefully and think about some ideas for this.
  2. Pay atttention to suggested ideas to see whether they can help build up your answers.
  3. Try to use the phrases provided to structure your answers in the more appropriate way.
  4. Answer the question.
  5. Read the sample answer at the end to see what you can learn from it.
  6. Learn some useful vocabulary related to the topic.


  1. What do you think are the main causes of pollution in your city?
  • Ideas: Traffic congestion, industrial waste, littering, burning fossil fuels
  • Useful phrases: “One major contributing factor to pollution in my city is…”, “Another significant cause of pollution in my city is…”, “The main culprit of pollution in my city is…”
  1. What measures do you think can be taken to reduce pollution in urban areas?
  • Ideas: Promoting the use of public transportation, implementing laws and fines for littering, reducing the use of fossil fuels, encouraging recycling
  • Useful phrases: “I believe that one effective solution to reduce pollution is…”, “Another measure that could be taken to reduce pollution is…”, “In my opinion, it would be beneficial to…”
  1. How has pollution affected the environment in your country?
  • Ideas: Depletion of natural resources, global warming, acid rain, wildlife extinction
  • Useful phrases: “Pollution has had a significant impact on the environment in my country by…”, “The effects of pollution on the environment in my country can be seen through…”, “One example of how pollution has affected the environment in my country is…”
  1. How do you personally contribute to reducing pollution in your community?
  • Ideas: Using eco-friendly products, participating in community clean-up events, conserving energy, recycling
  • Useful phrases: “To reduce pollution in my community, I try to…”, “One way I contribute to reducing pollution is by…”, “I am personally invested in reducing pollution in my community by…”
  1. What role do you think businesses can play in reducing pollution?
  • Ideas: Adopting sustainable practices, using eco-friendly materials, reducing waste, investing in green technology
  • Useful phrases: “I believe that businesses can contribute to reducing pollution by…”, “One way businesses can play a role in reducing pollution is by…”, “It is important for businesses to take responsibility for reducing pollution by…”
  1. How can governments encourage individuals to reduce their environmental footprint?
  • Ideas: Offering incentives for eco-friendly behavior, increasing taxes on environmentally harmful products, promoting sustainable transportation, providing education on environmental issues
  • Useful phrases: “To encourage individuals to reduce their environmental footprint, governments can…”, “One effective way for governments to promote eco-friendly behavior is by…”, “It is the responsibility of the government to encourage individuals to reduce their environmental footprint by…”
  1. What impact does air pollution have on human health?
  • Ideas: Respiratory problems, heart disease, allergies, lung cancer
  • Useful phrases: “Air pollution can have a detrimental impact on human health by…”, “The effects of air pollution on human health include…”, “One consequence of air pollution on human health is…”
  1. Do you think the use of plastic should be banned? Why or why not?
  • Ideas: Plastic waste pollutes the environment, alternatives to plastic exist, plastic takes a long time to decompose
  • Useful phrases: “I believe that the use of plastic should/should not be banned because…”, “One reason why plastic should be banned is because…”, “Another argument for/against banning plastic is…”
  1. What is your opinion on nuclear power as a solution to reduce pollution?
  • Ideas: Nuclear power is a clean source of energy, nuclear power is dangerous and produces radioactive waste
  • Useful phrases: “In my opinion, nuclear power is/is not a viable solution to reducing pollution because…”, “One argument in favor of using nuclear power is…”, “However, one major drawback of nuclear power is…”
  1. What can individuals do to reduce their carbon footprint?
  • Ideas: Using energy-efficient appliances, reducing meat consumption, conserving water, using renewable energy sources
  • Useful phrases: “To reduce their carbon footprint, individuals can also consider…,” “One effective way for individuals to reduce their carbon footprint is by…”, “It is important for individuals to take responsibility for their carbon footprint by…”


Here are some sample answers based on the hints provided:

  1. What do you think are the main causes of pollution in your city?
  • One major contributing factor to pollution in my city is traffic congestion. The high volume of vehicles on the road leads to increased emissions and air pollution.
  • Another significant cause of pollution in my city is industrial waste. Many factories and industries located within the city limits release harmful pollutants into the air and water.
  • The main culprit of pollution in my city is burning fossil fuels. Our reliance on non-renewable energy sources like coal and oil leads to increased carbon emissions and air pollution.
  1. What measures do you think can be taken to reduce pollution in urban areas?
  • I believe that one effective solution to reduce pollution is promoting the use of public transportation. Encouraging people to use buses, trains, and subways can significantly reduce traffic congestion and emissions.
  • Another measure that could be taken to reduce pollution is implementing laws and fines for littering. This can discourage people from throwing trash on the streets and help keep the city clean.
  • In my opinion, it would be beneficial to encourage recycling and reduce the use of fossil fuels. Governments can provide incentives to businesses and individuals who prioritize sustainability and implement eco-friendly practices.
  1. How has pollution affected the environment in your country?
  • Pollution has had a significant impact on the environment in my country by depleting natural resources. Mining, logging, and other extractive industries have led to deforestation, desertification, and soil erosion.
  • The effects of pollution on the environment in my country can be seen through wildlife extinction. Many species have become endangered or extinct due to habitat destruction and pollution.
  • One example of how pollution has affected the environment in my country is global warming. The increased carbon emissions have led to rising temperatures, sea levels, and extreme weather patterns.
  1. How do you personally contribute to reducing pollution in your community?
  • To reduce pollution in my community, I try to use eco-friendly products. I prioritize products that are biodegradable, non-toxic, and made from sustainable materials.
  • One way I contribute to reducing pollution is by participating in community clean-up events. I join groups that organize litter clean-ups, tree planting, and other environmental activities.
  • I am personally invested in reducing pollution in my community by conserving energy. I turn off lights and electronics when not in use, use public transportation or walk/bike when possible, and reduce water usage.
  1. What role do you think businesses can play in reducing pollution?
  • I believe that businesses can contribute to reducing pollution by adopting sustainable practices. This includes using eco-friendly materials, reducing waste, and investing in green technology.
  • One way businesses can play a role in reducing pollution is by creating a closed-loop system. This means designing products that can be recycled or reused, and implementing systems to make sure those materials are actually recycled or reused.
  • It is important for businesses to take responsibility for reducing pollution by working with governments to set and achieve environmental goals.
  1. How can governments encourage individuals to reduce their environmental footprint?
  • To encourage individuals to reduce their environmental footprint, governments can offer incentives for eco-friendly behavior. This includes tax rebates, subsidies for electric cars or solar panels, and discounts for using public transportation.
  • One effective way for governments to promote eco-friendly behavior is by providing education on environmental issues. This can include school programs, community workshops, and public awareness campaigns.
  • It is the responsibility of the government to encourage individuals to reduce their environmental footprint by setting policies and regulations that promote sustainability.
  1. What impact does air pollution have on human health?
  • Air pollution can have a detrimental impact on human health by causing respiratory problems, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart disease, allergies, and lung cancer. Long-term exposure to air pollution has also been linked to cognitive decline, decreased lung function, and premature death.
  1. Do you think the use of plastic should be banned? Why or why not?
  • I believe that the use of plastic should be banned because plastic waste pollutes the environment, harming wildlife and ecosystems, and takes a long time to decompose, contributing to the problem of plastic pollution. Additionally, there are alternatives to plastic, such as biodegradable and compostable materials, that are more sustainable and eco-friendly.
  1. What is your opinion on nuclear power as a solution to reduce pollution?
  • In my opinion, nuclear power is a viable solution to reducing pollution because it is a clean source of energy that produces minimal greenhouse gas emissions, unlike fossil fuels. Additionally, nuclear power is highly efficient and reliable, making it a promising option for meeting the world’s energy needs. However, one major drawback of nuclear power is that it produces radioactive waste, which can be harmful to human health and the environment if not handled properly.
  1. What can individuals do to reduce their carbon footprint?
  • To reduce their carbon footprint, individuals can also consider using energy-efficient appliances, reducing meat consumption, conserving water, and using renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. Additionally, individuals can reduce their reliance on single-use plastics and opt for more sustainable choices, such as reusable bags and water bottles. It is important for individuals to take responsibility for their carbon footprint by making conscious choices that reduce their impact on the environment.


  1. Emissions – gases or particles released into the air, water, or soil
  • Khí thải
  • The factory’s emissions were so high that they caused serious health problems for nearby residents.
  1. Contamination – the presence or introduction of harmful substances into an environment
  • Ô nhiễm
  • The river was contaminated with toxic waste from a nearby factory, making it unsafe for swimming or drinking.
  1. Toxins – poisonous substances that can cause harm to living organisms
  • Chất độc
  • The toxins in the air from the burning garbage made it difficult for people to breathe and caused respiratory problems.
  1. Smog – a type of air pollution that appears as a hazy, yellow-brown or greyish fog
  • Sương mù độc hại – một loại ô nhiễm không khí xuất hiện dưới dạng một sương mù màu vàng nâu hoặc xám
  • The city’s heavy smog was causing health problems for residents, including coughing and eye irritation.
  1. Acid rain – precipitation with a high concentration of sulfuric and nitric acids, which can damage plants and aquatic life
  • Mưa axit – mưa có nồng độ cao của axit sulfuric và nitric, gây hại cho cây trồng và đời sống thủy sinh
  • Acid rain from industrial pollution was killing off fish and other aquatic life in the lake.
  1. Greenhouse gases – gases such as carbon dioxide and methane that trap heat in the atmosphere, leading to global warming and climate change
  • Khí nhà kính – các khí như CO2 và methane gây hiệu ứng nhà kính bằng cách giữ lại nhiệt trong không khí, dẫn đến nóng lên toàn cầu và biến đổi khí hậu
  • The increase in greenhouse gases is causing global temperatures to rise and contributing to climate change.
  1. Pollutant – a substance that causes pollution
  • Chất gây ô nhiễm
  • One of the main pollutants in the air is carbon monoxide, which can cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea.
  1. Particulate matter – tiny particles of solids or liquids that can be inhaled and cause respiratory problems
  • Vật liệu hạt nhỏ – các hạt rắn hoặc lỏng nhỏ có thể hít vào và gây ra vấn đề về hô hấp
  • The air quality in the city was poor due to high levels of particulate matter from traffic and industry.
  1. Runoff – water from rain or melting snow that flows over the land and carries pollutants into waterways
  • Nước thải – nước từ mưa hoặc tuyết tan chảy trên mặt đất và chứa các chất gây ô nhiễm đưa vào các con sông, suối…
  • The runoff from the agricultural fields contained pesticides and fertilizers, which were polluting the nearby river.
  1. Waste disposal – the process of getting rid of garbage and other waste materials in a safe and responsible manner.
  • Xử lý chất thải – quá trình loại bỏ rác và các vật liệu thải khác một cách an toàn và chịu trách nhiệm.
  • Proper waste disposal is important to prevent pollution and protect the environment.