IELTSIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 1

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Writing and Study

Here are some common questions that you may be asked in the IELTS Speaking Exam.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Look at the question carefully and think about some ideas for this.
  2. Pay atttention to suggested ideas to see whether they can help build up your answers.
  3. Try to use the phrases provided to structure your answers in the more appropriate way.
  4. Answer the question.
  5. Read the sample answer at the end to see what you can learn from it.
  6. Learn some useful vocabulary related to the topic.


1. Do you enjoy writing?

– Ideas: Writing can be enjoyable because it allows you to express your thoughts and feelings, it can be a creative outlet, it can be a way to communicate with others, etc.

– Useful phrases: “I find writing to be quite enjoyable because…”, “One thing that I really like about writing is…”, “I enjoy the process of putting my thoughts down on paper because…”

2. What kind of writing do you do most often?

– Ideas: You might write emails, text messages, journal entries, essays, reports, etc. Think about the types of writing you do most frequently in your daily life or for school/work.

– Useful phrases: “I do a lot of [type of writing] because…”, “Most of my writing is [type of writing] because…”, “I find that I need to do a lot of [type of writing] for [reason]…”

3. How do you usually write (e.g. by hand or on a computer)?

– Ideas: You might prefer to write by hand because it feels more personal, or you might prefer to type because it’s faster and more efficient. Think about your personal preferences and why you prefer one method over the other.

– Useful phrases: “I usually write by [method] because…”, “I find that [method] is more [adjective] for me because…”, “I prefer to write [method] because…”

4. What kind of writing do you find most difficult?

– Ideas: You might find academic writing difficult because it requires a lot of research and structure, or you might find creative writing difficult because it’s hard to come up with ideas. Think about the types of writing that give you the most trouble.

– Useful phrases: “I find [type of writing] to be the most difficult because…”, “The main challenge with [type of writing] is…”, “I struggle with [type of writing] because…”

5. Do you think writing is an important skill to have?

– Ideas: Writing is an important skill because it allows you to communicate effectively, it can be useful in many different fields, it can help you organize your thoughts, etc. Think about why writing is important in your life.

– Useful phrases: “I think writing is an important skill because…”, “Being able to write well is useful in [field or situation] because…”, “Writing is important to me because…”

6. How do you improve your writing skills?

– Ideas: You might improve your writing skills by reading a lot, practicing regularly, getting feedback from others, taking classes, etc. Think about the strategies you use to become a better writer.

– Useful phrases: “I try to improve my writing skills by…”, “One thing that has helped me become a better writer is…”, “I find that [strategy] is an effective way to improve my writing because…”


1. Do you enjoy studying?

– Ideas: Studying can be enjoyable because it allows you to learn new things, it can be a way to challenge yourself, it can be a way to pursue your interests, etc.

– Useful phrases: “I find studying to be quite enjoyable because…”, “One thing that I really like about studying is…”, “I enjoy the process of learning because…”

2. What subject do you like studying the most?

– Ideas: You might enjoy studying a particular subject because it’s interesting to you, because you’re good at it, because it’s important for your future goals, etc. Think about the subjects you enjoy learning about the most.

– Useful phrases: “I like studying [subject] the most because…”, “I find [subject] to be the most interesting because…”, “I’m passionate about [subject] because…”

3. How do you usually study (e.g. alone or with others)?

– Ideas: You might prefer to study alone because it allows you to focus better, or you might prefer to study with others because you can learn from each other. Think about your personal preferences and why you prefer one method over the other.

– Useful phrases: “I usually study alone because…”, “I find that studying with others is more [adjective] because…”, “I prefer to study [method] because…”

4. What kind of study environment do you prefer?

– Ideas: You might prefer a quiet study environment because it helps you concentrate, or you might prefer a more social study environment because it’s more motivating. Think about the type of environment that helps you study best.

– Useful phrases: “I prefer a [adjective] study environment because…”, “I find that [type of environment] is more conducive to studying because…”, “I study best in an environment that is [adjective] because…”

5. How do you stay motivated while studying?

– Ideas: You might stay motivated by setting goals for yourself, by rewarding yourself after you finish a task, by reminding yourself of the benefits of studying, etc. Think about the strategies you use to stay motivated.

– Useful phrases: “I stay motivated while studying by…”, “One thing that helps me stay focused is…”, “I find that setting small goals for myself is an effective way to stay motivated because…”

6. Do you think studying is important for personal development?

– Ideas: Studying is important for personal development because it allows you to learn new skills, it can help you achieve your goals, it can broaden your perspective, etc. Think about why studying is important in your life.

– Useful phrases: “I think studying is important for personal development because…”, “Being able to learn new things is useful in [field or situation] because…”, “Studying is important to me because…”



1. Journal entry – Each journal entry contains the data significant to a single business transaction, including the date, the amount to be credited and debited, a brief description of the transaction and the accounts affected.

  • Mục Nhật Ký; Khoản Mục Bút Toán – Mỗi mục nhật ký chứa dữ liệu quan trọng đối với một giao dịch kinh doanh đơn lẻ, bao gồm ngày, số tiền được ghi có và ghi nợ, mô tả ngắn gọn về giao dịch và các tài khoản bị ảnh hưởng.
  • When the customer pays off their accounts, one debits cash and credits the receivable in the journal entry.

2. Preference – the fact that you like something or someone more than another thing or person.

  • Sự ưa thích – thực tế là bạn thích một cái gì đó hoặc một ai đó nhiều hơn những thứ hoặc người khác.
  • Her preference is for comfortable rather than stylish clothes.

3. Conducive – providing the right conditions for something good to happen or exist

  • Thuận lợi – cung cấp các điều kiện phù hợp để điều gì đó tốt đẹp xảy ra hoặc tồn tại
  • Such a noisy environment was not conducive to a good night’s sleep.