IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 1


Here are some common questions that you may be asked in the IELTS Speaking Exam.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Look at the question carefully and think about some ideas for this.
  2. Pay atttention to suggested ideas to see whether they can help build up your answers.
  3. Try to use the phrases provided to structure your answers in the more appropriate way.
  4. Answer the question.
  5. Read the sample answer at the end to see what you can learn from it.
  6. Learn some useful vocabulary related to the topic.


1. What is your neighborhood like?

– Ideas: Your neighborhood might be characterized by factors such as its location, its size, its demographics, or its amenities. Think about what makes your neighborhood unique.

– Useful phrases: “My neighborhood is [adjective]…”, “One thing that makes my neighborhood special is…”, “I like living in my neighborhood because…”

2. What is your favorite thing about your neighborhood?

– Ideas: You might enjoy your neighborhood because of its community atmosphere, its natural beauty, its convenience, or its safety. Think about what you appreciate most about your neighborhood.

– Useful phrases: “My favorite thing about my neighborhood is…”, “I really appreciate the [aspect of my neighborhood] because…”, “Living in my neighborhood allows me to [activity] which I really enjoy…”

3. What kind of shops are there in your neighborhood?

– Ideas: Your neighborhood might have a variety of shops such as grocery stores, restaurants, clothing stores, or convenience stores. Think about the types of shops that are available in your neighborhood.

– Useful phrases: “There are [type of shops] in my neighborhood…”, “I like that I can easily find [type of shop] in my neighborhood…”, “Living in my neighborhood means that I have easy access to [type of shop]…”

4. How would you describe your neighbors?

– Ideas: Your neighbors might be friendly, helpful, diverse, or reserved. Think about the characteristics that describe the people who live in your neighborhood.

– Useful phrases: “My neighbors are [adjective]…”, “I find that my neighbors are [adjective] because…”, “I appreciate that my neighbors are [adjective] because…”

5. What kind of transportation is available in your neighborhood?

– Ideas: Your neighborhood might have access to public transportation such as buses or trains, or it might be more car-oriented. Think about the types of transportation that are available in your neighborhood.

– Useful phrases: “There are [type of transportation] options available in my neighborhood…”, “I find that it’s [adjective] to get around my neighborhood because of the [type of transportation]…”, “Living in my neighborhood means that I can easily [activity] because of the [type of transportation] options…”

6. What changes would you like to see in your neighborhood?

– Ideas: You might want to see improvements to your neighborhood such as more green spaces, better public transportation, or more diverse businesses. Think about the changes that you think would make your neighborhood better.

– Useful phrases: “I would like to see [change] in my neighborhood because…”, “If my neighborhood had [change], it would make it [adjective]…”, “I think that [change] would benefit my neighborhood because…”


1. Demographics – the number and characteristics of people who live in a particular area or form a particular group, especially in relation to their age, how much money they have and what they spend it on.

  • Nhân khẩu học
  • The demographics of the country have changed dramatically in recent years.

2. Amenity – a desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place.

  • Tiện nghi
  • Straus established employee amenities such as restrooms, medical care, and a lunchroom.

3. Appreciate – to recognize how good someone or something is and to value them or it.

  • Đánh giá
  • There’s no point buying him expensive wines – he doesn’t appreciate them.

4. Diverse – including many different types of people or things

  • Phong phú
  • The reason we apply a uniform random number for rendering fractal is that it can create unique and more diverse forms.

5. Reserved – Reserved people do not often talk about or show their feelings or thoughts.

  • Dè dặt
  • He is a reserved, almost taciturn man

6. -oriented (suffix – hậu tố) – showing the direction in which something is aimed

  • Định hướng
  • She wants to turn the company into a profit-oriented organization.