IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 1


Here are some common questions that you may be asked in the IELTS Speaking Exam.

Follow the steps below:

1. Look at the question carefully and think about some ideas for this.

2. Pay atttention to suggested ideas to see whether they can help build up your answers.

3.Try to use the phrases provided to structure your answers in the more appropriate way.

4. Answer the question.

5. Read the sample answer at the end to see what you can learn from it.

6. Learn some useful vocabulary related to the topic.


1. Where is your hometown?

– Ideas: Your hometown might be a city, town, or village. Think about the location and characteristics of your hometown.

– Useful phrases: “My hometown is located in [region or country]…”, “I grew up in a [city/town/village] called [name]…”, “Although I don’t live in my hometown anymore, I have many fond memories of [place or activity]…”

2. What do you like about your hometown?

– Ideas: You might like your hometown because of its natural beauty, cultural attractions, or sense of community. Think about the aspects of your hometown that you appreciate.

– Useful phrases: “I like my hometown because…”, “One of my favorite things about my hometown is…”, “Although my hometown has some drawbacks, overall I find it [adjective] because…”

3. What are some popular tourist attractions in your hometown?

– Ideas: Your hometown might have attractions such as historical landmarks, museums, or natural wonders. Think about the places that tourists often visit in your hometown.

– Useful phrases: “Some popular tourist attractions in my hometown are…”, “I think that these attractions are popular because…”, “Although there are many tourist attractions in my hometown, my favorite is [name of attraction] because…”

4. What is the climate like in your hometown?

– Ideas: Your hometown might have a mild, temperate, or extreme climate. Think about the weather patterns in your hometown.

– Useful phrases: “The climate in my hometown is…”, “I find that [season] is the best time to visit my hometown because…”, “Although the climate in my hometown can be [adjective], I’ve learned to appreciate it because…”

5. What is the most famous dish in your hometown?

– Ideas: Your hometown might be known for a particular dish or cuisine. Think about the food that your hometown is famous for.

– Useful phrases: “The most famous dish in my hometown is…”, “I think that this dish is popular because…”, “Although there are many delicious foods in my hometown, this dish is special because…”

6. What are some changes that have happened in your hometown in the last few years?

– Ideas: Your hometown might have experienced changes such as new construction, population growth, or economic development. Think about the recent changes that have happened in your hometown.

– Useful phrases: “In the last few years, my hometown has changed in several ways, such as…”, “I think that these changes have [positive/negative] impacts on my hometown because…”, “Although I sometimes miss the old version of my hometown, I’m excited to see how it continues to evolve…”


1. What kind of accommodation do you live in?

– Ideas: You might live in an apartment, house, or dormitory. Think about the type of accommodation that you currently live in.

– Useful phrases: “I live in an [apartment/house/dormitory]…”, “I like living in this type of accommodation because…”, “Although there are some drawbacks to living in [type of accommodation], overall I find it [adjective] because…”

2. Do you like the place where you live?

– Ideas: You might like the place where you live because of its location, amenities, or community. Think about the aspects of your living situation that you appreciate.

– Useful phrases: “Yes, I like the place where I live…”, “One of the things I like about my living situation is…”, “Although there are some drawbacks to where I live, overall I find it [adjective] because…”

3. What is your favorite room in your home?

– Ideas: You might have a favorite room in your home such as a bedroom, kitchen, or living room. Think about the room that you enjoy the most.

– Useful phrases: “My favorite room in my home is…”, “I like this room because…”, “Although I enjoy spending time in other rooms, [room name] is special to me because…”

4. What is the most important feature of a good home?

– Ideas: You might consider factors such as location, price, or space to be important features of a good home. Think about what you believe makes a home desirable.

– Useful phrases: “I think that the most important feature of a good home is…”, “Although different people might have different preferences, I believe that [feature] is critical for a good home because…”, “When I look for a home, I prioritize [feature]…”

5. What is the most unusual place you have ever stayed in?

– Ideas: You might have stayed in an unusual place such as a treehouse, yurt, or igloo. Think about the most unconventional place that you have ever stayed in.

– Useful phrases: “The most unusual place I have ever stayed in is…”, “I stayed there because…”, “Although it was unconventional, I enjoyed staying in [place name] because…”

6. Do you prefer to live in a city or a rural area?

– Ideas: You might have a preference for living in a city or a rural area, depending on factors such as lifestyle, career, or environment. Think about the advantages and disadvantages of each living situation.

– Useful phrases: “I prefer to live in [city/rural area] because…”, “Although there are benefits to both [city/rural area], I find that [city/rural area] suits my lifestyle better because…”, “Although I sometimes miss the [city/rural area] lifestyle, I appreciate the [city/rural area] environment because…”