IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 1

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Health

1. How do you keep healthy?


  • Regular exercise routines.
  • Balanced and nutritious diet.
  • Adequate hydration and sleep.
  • Stress management practices.

Useful expressions:

  • Exercise routines: “I keep healthy by incorporating regular,” “My exercise routine includes activities like,” “Physical activity is an essential part of my health regimen.”
  • Balanced diet: “Maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet is key to my,” “I focus on including a variety of,” “I pay attention to portion control and try to incorporate.”
  • Hydration and sleep: “Adequate hydration is crucial for my,” “Ensuring I get enough sleep is an important aspect of my,” “I prioritize staying hydrated and aim for a sufficient amount of.”
  • Stress management: “In addition to physical health, I prioritize,” “Managing stress through activities like,” “I find that practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques contributes to my overall.”

Sample answer:

I keep healthy by incorporating regular exercise into my routine. My exercise routine includes activities like jogging, yoga, and strength training. Physical activity is an essential part of my health regimen, helping me maintain fitness and overall well-being. In addition to exercise, maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet is key to my health. I focus on including a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains in my meals. I pay attention to portion control and try to incorporate foods that provide essential nutrients. Adequate hydration is crucial for my health, so I prioritize staying hydrated and aim for a sufficient amount of water each day. Ensuring I get enough sleep is an important aspect of my overall health, and I make an effort to establish a consistent sleep routine. In addition to physical health, I prioritize mental and emotional well-being by managing stress through activities like meditation and spending time in nature. I find that practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques contributes to my overall health and helps me maintain a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

2. What are your favorite sports?


  • Personal preferences for specific sports.
  • Enjoyment derived from team or individual sports.
  • Recreational and competitive aspects.

Useful expressions:

  • Personal preferences: “My favorite sports include,” “I particularly enjoy engaging in,” “I find that participating in sports like.”
  • Team or individual sports: “I have a preference for,” “Whether it’s team sports like,” “Engaging in individual sports such as.”
  • Recreational and competitive aspects: “I enjoy playing sports recreationally, especially,” “Participating in competitive sports like,” “Sports provide a balance of.”

Sample answer:

My favorite sports include jogging, tennis, and swimming. I particularly enjoy engaging in activities that allow me to combine cardiovascular exercise with elements of skill and coordination. Jogging is a solo activity that I find both invigorating and meditative. Tennis is a sport I play with friends, and I appreciate the combination of strategy and physical exertion. Swimming is another favorite, offering a full-body workout while being easy on the joints. I have a preference for both team and individual sports, as each provides a unique set of benefits. Whether it’s team sports like soccer or individual sports such as cycling, I find that participating in sports contributes to my physical fitness and overall enjoyment. I enjoy playing sports recreationally, especially with friends, as it adds a social aspect to the activity. Sports provide a balance of recreational fun and the opportunity to engage in competitive play when desired.

3. Are there health classes in your school?


  • Inclusion of health education in the school curriculum.
  • Topics covered in health classes.
  • Importance of health education for students.

Useful expressions:

  • Inclusion of health education: “In my school, there are health classes that cover,” “Health education is part of the curriculum, and students learn about,” “Students have the opportunity to attend classes focused on.”
  • Topics covered: “Health classes cover a range of topics, including,” “Students learn about the importance of,” “The curriculum includes discussions on.”
  • Importance of health education: “Having health classes is important for,” “Health education equips students with,” “The inclusion of health education in schools contributes to.”

Sample answer:

Yes, in my school, there are health classes that cover a variety of topics related to physical and mental well-being. Health education is part of the curriculum, and students learn about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The topics covered in health classes include nutrition, exercise, mental health awareness, and the impact of lifestyle choices on overall well-being. Students have the opportunity to attend classes focused on understanding the principles of a balanced diet, incorporating physical activity into their routines, and developing strategies for stress management. Having health classes is important for equipping students with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions about their health. The inclusion of health education in schools contributes to promoting a culture of well-being and fostering healthy habits among students.

4. What sports help people stay healthy?


  • Benefits of cardiovascular exercises.
  • Strength training for overall fitness.
  • Flexibility-enhancing activities.
  • Stress-reducing sports.

Useful expressions:

  • Benefits of cardiovascular exercises: “Engaging in cardiovascular exercises, such as,” “Sports like running and cycling are effective for,” “Participating in activities that elevate the heart rate, like.”
  • Strength training: “Incorporating strength training into a fitness routine helps with,” “Sports that involve resistance, like,” “Building muscle through activities such as.”
  • Flexibility-enhancing activities: “Flexibility-enhancing activities, like,” “Sports such as yoga and Pilates contribute to,” “Engaging in activities that improve flexibility, such as.”
  • Stress-reducing sports: “Sports that have stress-reducing benefits include,” “Engaging in calming activities like,” “Participating in sports that promote relaxation and stress relief, such as.”

Sample answer:

Engaging in cardiovascular exercises, such as running, cycling, and swimming, is effective for maintaining heart health and overall fitness. These sports help people stay healthy by improving endurance, burning calories, and enhancing cardiovascular function. Strength training is another essential component of staying healthy, and sports that involve resistance, such as weightlifting or bodyweight exercises, contribute to building muscle and increasing strength. Flexibility-enhancing activities, like yoga and Pilates, play a crucial role in maintaining joint health and improving overall flexibility. Engaging in activities that improve flexibility helps prevent injuries and enhances mobility. Additionally, sports that have stress-reducing benefits, such as meditation, tai chi, and nature walks, contribute to mental well-being. Participating in sports that promote relaxation and stress relief is important for overall health, as it helps manage the impact of daily stressors and promotes a sense of balance and tranquility.