IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 1

IELTS Speaking 2024 Part 1: Spend Time by yourself & Exciting Activities

  1. Do you like to spend time by yourself or with your friends? Why?
    • Useful expressions:
      • “I enjoy…”
      • “One thing I appreciate about…”
      • “I find that…”
    • Grammar structure: Present simple tense
    • Sample answer:
      • “I enjoy spending time both by myself and with my friends, but it depends on the situation. One thing I appreciate about solo time is the opportunity for self-reflection and relaxation. On the other hand, spending time with friends brings laughter and shared experiences, which I find energizing and fulfilling.”
  2. When was the last time you spent time by yourself?
    • Useful expressions:
      • “Recently…”
      • “It was…”
      • “I remember…”
    • Grammar structure: Past simple tense
    • Sample answer:
      • “Recently, I spent some time by myself last weekend. It was a quiet Saturday afternoon when I decided to unwind at home, reading a book and listening to music. I remember feeling refreshed and recharged afterward.”
  3. Do you want to spend more time by yourself?
    • Useful expressions:
      • “I’m considering…”
      • “It would be nice to…”
      • “I think…”
    • Grammar structure: Present simple tense
    • Sample answer:
      • “I’m considering spending more time by myself, especially to pursue personal interests and hobbies. It would be nice to have moments of solitude to focus on self-improvement and creativity. I think striking a balance between socializing and solo time is essential for overall well-being.”
  4. Have you ever tried any exciting activities?
    • Useful expressions:
      • “I’ve had the opportunity to…”
      • “One exciting activity I’ve tried is…”
      • “It was…”
    • Grammar structure: Present perfect tense
    • Sample answer:
      • “I’ve had the opportunity to try many exciting activities over the years. One that stands out is skydiving. It was an exhilarating experience to jump out of a plane and feel the rush of adrenaline as I free-fell through the sky.”
  5. What was the interesting thing that you did when you were a child?
    • Useful expressions:
      • “When I was younger…”
      • “One memorable experience from my childhood is…”
      • “It was…”
    • Grammar structure: Past simple tense
    • Sample answer:
      • “When I was younger, one memorable experience from my childhood is building a treehouse with my friends. It was a summer project that brought us together, and we had a lot of fun designing and constructing our secret hideout in the backyard.”
  6. Have you joined in any interesting activities recently?
    • Useful expressions:
      • “Recently…”
      • “I had the opportunity to…”
      • “It was…”
    • Grammar structure: Present perfect tense
    • Sample answer:
      • “Recently, I had the opportunity to join a cooking class, which was a lot of fun. It was a hands-on experience where I learned new culinary techniques and experimented with different recipes. I enjoyed the camaraderie with fellow participants and the satisfaction of creating delicious dishes.”
  7. Would you like to try climbing or diving?
    • Useful expressions:
      • “I’ve always been curious about…”
      • “It sounds…”
      • “I think…”
    • Grammar structure: Conditional (would + base form of verb)
    • Sample answer:
      • “I’ve always been curious about diving. It sounds like an incredible opportunity to explore the underwater world and witness marine life up close. I think it would be an exhilarating and unforgettable experience.”