IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 1

IELTS Speaking 2024 Part 1: Public Transportation

  1. Do you often travel on public transport? If so, why? If not, why not?
    • Useful expressions:
      • “I tend to…”
      • “One reason I use public transport is…”
      • “What discourages me from using public transport is…”
    • Grammar structure: Present simple tense
    • Sample answer:
      • “I tend to use public transport quite often. One reason I use it is because it’s convenient for getting around the city, especially during rush hours when traffic can be a nightmare. What discourages me from using public transport sometimes is the unpredictability of schedules, but overall, it’s a practical option for me.”
  2. Did you use public transport when you were a child? If so, why? If not, why not?
    • Useful expressions:
      • “Back when I was a child…”
      • “I remember taking public transport because…”
      • “It wasn’t common for me to use public transport because…”
    • Grammar structure: Past simple tense
    • Sample answer:
      • Back when I was a child, I remember taking public transport quite often. It was the primary mode of transportation for getting to school and other places since I didn’t have access to a car. Plus, it was more affordable for my family than owning a vehicle.”
  3. Do many people use public transport in your country? If so, why? If not, why not?
    • Useful expressions:
      • “From my observation…”
      • “One reason why public transport is popular/not popular in my country is…”
      • “It’s common/uncommon to see people using public transport because…”
    • Grammar structure: Present simple tense
    • Sample answer:
      • From my observation, many people in my country use public transport, especially in urban areas. One reason why it’s popular is because it’s often more cost-effective and practical for daily commuting, considering factors like traffic congestion and limited parking spaces.”
  4. Will you use public transport more in the future? If so, why? If not, why not?
    • Useful expressions:
      • “I’m considering…”
      • “One factor that might influence my future use of public transport is…”
      • “It’s unlikely/likely that I’ll use public transport more in the future because…”
    • Grammar structure: Future simple tense
    • Sample answer:
      • “I’m considering using public transport more in the future. One factor that might influence my decision is the growing awareness of environmental sustainability and reducing carbon emissions. It’s likely that I’ll opt for public transport more often as part of my contribution to mitigating climate change.”