Editor’s PickVocabulary

Vocabulary: Household Chores & Family Life


Tiếng Anh 10 Unit 1 Reading (trang 11, 12) | Tiếng Anh 10 Global Success

  1. Household /ˈhaʊsˌhəʊld/
    • Meaning: A group of people, often a family, who live together. (Người sống chung trong một gia đình hoặc nhà ở)
    • Example: My household includes my parents and my siblings.
    • Collocations: manage a household, household chores, household items
    • Synonyms: family, home, domicile
  2. Chores /tʃɔːrz/
    • Meaning: Small jobs that need to be done regularly around the house. (Việc vặt trong nhà)
    • Example: Doing the chores is part of my daily routine.
    • Collocations: household chores, daily chores, perform chores
    • Synonyms: tasks, duties, jobs
  3. Breadwinner /ˈbrɛdˌwɪnər/
    • Meaning: The person in a family who earns money to support the family. (Người trụ cột kiếm tiền nuôi gia đình)
    • Example: My father is the breadwinner in our family.
    • Collocations: sole breadwinner, family’s breadwinner, main breadwinner
    • Synonyms: provider, earner, wage earner
  4. Homemaker /ˈhoʊmˌmeɪkər/
    • Meaning: A person, typically a woman, who manages the home and family instead of working outside. (Người nội trợ)
    • Example: My mother is a homemaker and takes care of the house.
    • Collocations: full-time homemaker, stay-at-home homemaker, dedicated homemaker
    • Synonyms: housewife, caretaker, housekeeper
  5. Responsibility /rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti/
    • Meaning: The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something. (Trách nhiệm)
    • Example: Taking care of my younger brother is my responsibility.
    • Collocations: take responsibility, personal responsibility, full responsibility
    • Synonyms: duty, obligation, accountability
  6. Gratitude /ˈɡrætɪˌtjuːd/
    • Meaning: The quality of being thankful. (Lòng biết ơn)
    • Example: I showed my gratitude by helping my parents with the chores.
    • Collocations: express gratitude, show gratitude, heartfelt gratitude
    • Synonyms: appreciation, thankfulness, recognition
  7. Strengthen /ˈstrɛŋθən/
    • Meaning: To make something stronger. (Củng cố, làm cho mạnh hơn)
    • Example: Doing chores together can strengthen family bonds.
    • Collocations: strengthen bonds, strengthen relationships, strengthen muscles
    • Synonyms: reinforce, fortify, toughen
  8. Bonds /bɒndz/
    • Meaning: Connections or relationships between people. (Mối liên kết, ràng buộc)
    • Example: Sharing responsibilities helps strengthen bonds in a family.
    • Collocations: family bonds, strong bonds, emotional bonds
    • Synonyms: ties, connections, relationships
  9. Laundry /ˈlɔːn.dri/
    • Meaning: Clothes that need to be washed or that have been washed. (Đồ giặt là)
    • Example: I have to do the laundry every weekend.
    • Collocations: do the laundry, fold the laundry, dirty laundry
    • Synonyms: washing, clothes, garments
  10. Groceries /ˈɡrəʊsəriːz/
  • Meaning: Items of food sold in a supermarket. (Hàng tạp hóa, thực phẩm)
  • Example: My mom buys the groceries every Sunday.
  • Collocations: buy groceries, grocery shopping, fresh groceries
  • Synonyms: provisions, supplies, foodstuff
  1. Heavy lifting /ˈhɛvi ˈlɪftɪŋ/
  • Meaning: The act of picking up and carrying heavy objects. (Mang vác nặng)
  • Example: My dad does all the heavy lifting at home.
  • Collocations: do the heavy lifting, avoid heavy lifting, need heavy lifting
  • Synonyms: manual labor, physical work, carrying
  1. Cooking /ˈkʊkɪŋ/
  • Meaning: The practice of preparing food by heating it. (Nấu ăn)
  • Example: My sister is really good at cooking.
  • Collocations: do the cooking, home cooking, cooking skills
  • Synonyms: cuisine, food preparation, baking
  1. Cleaning /ˈkliːnɪŋ/
  • Meaning: The process of making something free of dirt. (Làm sạch)
  • Example: I spend every Saturday cleaning the house.
  • Collocations: do the cleaning, cleaning duties, deep cleaning
  • Synonyms: tidying, scrubbing, washing
  1. Rubbish /ˈrʌbɪʃ/
  • Meaning: Waste material or things that are no longer wanted. (Rác thải)
  • Example: Please take out the rubbish before you go.
  • Collocations: throw away rubbish, collect rubbish, household rubbish
  • Synonyms: trash, garbage, waste
  1. Sharing/ˈʃɛrɪŋ/
  • Meaning: Dividing and giving out something to others. (Chia sẻ)
  • Example: Sharing the chores makes family life easier.
  • Collocations: share responsibilities, share duties, share information
  • Synonyms: dividing, distributing, allotting
  1. Teamwork/ˈtiːmˌwɜːrk/
  • Meaning: The combined effort of a group of people working together. (Làm việc nhóm)
  • Example: Good teamwork is essential in getting the house clean.
  • Collocations: improve teamwork, teamwork skills, teamwork efforts
  • Synonyms: collaboration, cooperation, joint effort
  1. Dividing /dɪˈvaɪdɪŋ/
  • Meaning: Separating something into parts or groups. (Chia ra)
  • Example: Dividing the household chores equally helps maintain balance.
  • Collocations: divide tasks, divide time, divide work
  • Synonyms: splitting, separating, allocating
  1. Routine /ruːˈtiːn/
  • Meaning: A sequence of actions regularly followed. (Thói quen hằng ngày)
  • Example: Doing chores is part of my daily routine.
  • Collocations: daily routine, establish a routine, break the routine
  • Synonyms: schedule, habit, regularity
  1. Playtime /ˈpleɪtaɪm/
  • Meaning: A period of time for playing and having fun. (Thời gian vui chơi)
  • Example: After doing my chores, I get some playtime.
  • Collocations: outdoor playtime, scheduled playtime, enjoy playtime
  • Synonyms: recreation, leisure time, amusement
  1. Life skills /laɪf skɪlz/
  • Meaning: Abilities needed to effectively deal with the challenges of life. (Kỹ năng sống)
  • Example: Doing chores helps children develop life skills.
  • Collocations: develop life skills, essential life skills, improve life skills
  • Synonyms: personal skills, practical skills, survival skills


Task 1: Matching Meanings

Match the vocabulary words to their correct definitions.

  1. Responsibility
  2. Breadwinner
  3. Routine
  4. Gratitude
  5. Laundry
  6. Household
  7. Strengthen
  8. Chores
  9. Teamwork
  10. Life Skills


a) Small jobs that need to be done regularly around the house.
b) Connections or relationships between people.
c) The person in a family who earns money to support the family.
d) Abilities needed to effectively deal with the challenges of life.
e) Clothes that need to be washed or that have been washed.
f) The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something.
g) Combined effort of a group of people working together.
h) To make something stronger.
i) A sequence of actions regularly followed.
j) The quality of being thankful.

Task 2: Fill-in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate vocabulary words from the list:

responsibility, gratitude, routine, chores, laundry, breadwinner, teamwork, strengthen, life skills, sharing

  1. My sister and I divide the housework and do the ____.
  2. As the oldest child, I take on more ____.
  3. My mother does the ____ every Saturday morning.
  4. Doing the dishes is part of my daily ____.
  5. It’s important to express ____ to family members for their hard work.
  6. My father is the main ____ in our family.
  7. Family ____ is important to complete all the tasks quickly.
  8. Helping with housework teaches children important ____.
  9. Doing chores together helps ____ family bonds.
  10. ____ household tasks makes them easier to manage.

Task 3: Reading Passage and Short Answer Questions

Reading Passage

In today’s busy world, household chores are an integral part of managing a family. These chores include tasks like cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry, and taking out the rubbish. Traditionally, household work has been seen as the responsibility of women or homemakers, while men were considered the breadwinners. However, in modern families, this division of labor has evolved. Now, it is increasingly common for both men and women to share household responsibilities, and children are often encouraged to contribute as well.

Teaching children to do chores from an early age is seen as an effective way to help them develop important life skills. For instance, doing chores teaches responsibility. When children take on tasks such as cleaning their room or helping with the dishes, they understand the value of completing a job. This sense of responsibility is something they will carry into adulthood. Another key skill learned from household chores is teamwork. When family members work together to manage a home, they learn how to cooperate and support each other, which strengthens family bonds.

Moreover, contributing to household tasks also fosters a sense of gratitude in children. By doing chores, they start to appreciate the work that goes into maintaining a home and become more aware of the efforts their parents make to provide a comfortable living environment. Many studies suggest that children who help with chores grow up to be more self-sufficient and independent. This is because they are learning essential life skills that will be beneficial when they eventually live on their own.

However, some parents believe that children should focus more on their studies and playtime rather than chores. They argue that schoolwork is demanding, and children need relaxation and recreation to maintain a balanced lifestyle. While this is true, others argue that sharing household responsibilities doesn’t take much time and can be balanced with a child’s study schedule.

In the end, finding a balance between play, study, and household responsibilities is key. When families share household chores, not only do they teach their children valuable lessons, but they also strengthen the bonds that hold the family together, creating a more supportive and cooperative environment.

  1. What are some examples of common household chores mentioned in the passage?
  2. How has the traditional division of labor in households changed in modern families?
  3. What life skill is developed when children take on tasks like cleaning or doing the dishes?
  4. Why do children who do chores become more appreciative of their parents’ efforts?
  5. What do studies suggest about children who help with chores as they grow up?
  6. What balance should parents find for their children according to the passage?

Task 4: Speaking Questions

  1. Describe the roles and responsibilities of each family member in managing household chores in your family.
  2. Do you think children should be involved in household chores? Why or why not?
  3. What life skills can children learn from participating in household chores?
  4. How can doing chores help to strengthen family bonds?
  5. Do you believe that one person should be the main breadwinner in a family, or should responsibilities be shared equally? Explain your opinion.
  6. In your opinion, what is the importance of having a daily or weekly routine for household chores?

Task 5: IELTS Essay Question and Guidelines

Essay Question:
Some people believe that children should not be involved in household chores, as they need more time to study and play. Others believe that doing household chores is important for their development. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Essay Guidelines:

  1. Introduction:
    • Paraphrase the topic.
    • Briefly introduce both views.
  2. Body Paragraph 1 (Discuss the first view):
    • Argument: Children should focus on studying and play, as these are essential for their education and well-being.
    • Example: Many parents believe that doing homework and engaging in extracurricular activities is more beneficial for children’s growth.
    • Explanation: Too many chores may add unnecessary pressure on children and take away from their free time.
  3. Body Paragraph 2 (Discuss the second view):
    • Argument: Involving children in household chores teaches them important life skills such as responsibility, teamwork, and time management.
    • Example: Studies show that children who help with household tasks are better prepared for adulthood and learn essential skills.
    • Explanation: Chores help strengthen family bonds and build character.
  4. Conclusion:
    • Summarize both views.
    • Provide your opinion, e.g., “While both views have merit, I believe that a balance should be struck where children help with chores but are not overwhelmed, leaving them enough time for study and play.”



Task 1: Matching Meanings

  1. Responsibility – f
  2. Breadwinner – c
  3. Routine – i
  4. Gratitude – j
  5. Laundry – e
  6. Household – b
  7. Strengthen – h
  8. Chores – a
  9. Teamwork – g
  10. Life Skills – d

Task 2: Fill-in the Blanks

  1. My sister and I divide the housework and do the chores.
  2. As the oldest child, I take on more responsibility.
  3. My mother does the laundry every Saturday morning.
  4. Doing the dishes is part of my daily routine.
  5. It’s important to express gratitude to family members for their hard work.
  6. My father is the main breadwinner in our family.
  7. Family teamwork is important to complete all the tasks quickly.
  8. Helping with housework teaches children important life skills.
  9. Doing chores together helps strengthen family bonds.
  10. Sharing household tasks makes them easier to manage.

Task 3: Reading Passage – Short Answer Questions

  1. Examples of household chores mentioned in the passage include cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry, and taking out the rubbish.
  2. The traditional division of labor has evolved, and now men and women share household responsibilities, and children are also encouraged to help.
  3. Responsibility is the life skill developed when children take on tasks like cleaning or doing the dishes.
  4. Children become more appreciative of their parents’ efforts because they understand the work involved in maintaining a home.
  5. Studies suggest that children who help with chores grow up to be more self-sufficient and independent.
  6. Parents should find a balance between play, study, and household responsibilities for their children.

Task 4: Speaking Questions (IELTS Format)

Since this is a speaking task, the answers will depend on the student’s own ideas. Below are sample responses to guide the structure:

  1. In my family, my mother does most of the cooking, my father takes care of the yard work, and my siblings and I help with cleaning and washing the dishes.
  2. Yes, I believe children should be involved in household chores because it teaches them responsibility and life skills they will need in the future.
  3. By participating in household chores, children can learn how to manage their time, be responsible, and work well with others.
  4. Doing chores together as a family strengthens bonds because it fosters teamwork and cooperation. Everyone feels involved and connected.
  5. In my opinion, responsibilities should be shared equally because it takes the pressure off one person and makes the family more united.
  6. Having a regular routine for household chores ensures that everything gets done in an organized way. It also helps in developing good habits for the future.

Task 5: IELTS Essay Guidelines and Key Points

Essay Question:
Some people believe that children should not be involved in household chores, as they need more time to study and play. Others believe that doing household chores is important for their development. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Answer Guidelines:

  • Introduction:
    • Restate the topic. Example: “Some argue that children should not be burdened with household chores as they require more time to focus on academics and leisure. Others, however, believe that chores play a vital role in their growth and development.”
    • Outline both views briefly. Example: “This essay will discuss both perspectives before offering my own opinion.”
  • Body Paragraph 1 (View 1):
    • State the argument: “Those who oppose children doing chores argue that academic pressures and playtime are essential for a child’s growth.”
    • Reason: “Studies and extracurricular activities are considered more beneficial in shaping their future success.”
    • Counter-argument: “However, focusing only on academics may result in a lack of essential life skills.”
  • Body Paragraph 2 (View 2):
    • State the argument: “On the other hand, doing household chores teaches children responsibility, teamwork, and important life skills.”
    • Reason: “Children learn to manage their time, become more self-reliant, and develop a sense of gratitude for their parents’ work.”
    • Example: “Many successful individuals attribute part of their development to the discipline instilled by household tasks.”
  • Conclusion:
    • Summarize both views: “In conclusion, while there are valid reasons for focusing on academics and play, the benefits of involving children in household chores cannot be overlooked.”
    • Give your opinion: “In my opinion, a balance should be struck where children are encouraged to participate in household responsibilities while also having time to focus on their studies and personal interests.”