IELTS WritingWriting Task 2

Writing: Cách viết essay dạng bài Advantages and Disadvantages




  • Hook: Begin with a general statement about the topic to draw interest.
  • Background: Briefly introduce the significance of the topic.
  • Thesis Statement: Clearly state that there are both advantages and disadvantages.
  • Outline Sentence: Mention that you will discuss two advantages and two disadvantages.

Example Introduction:

In today’s rapidly evolving world, [Topic] is increasingly becoming a focal point of discussion. While [Topic] plays a pivotal role in [context], it presents both benefits and drawbacks. This essay will explore two primary advantages and two significant disadvantages associated with [Topic].

Body Paragraph 1: First Advantage

  • Topic Sentence: Introduce the first advantage.
  • Explanation: Explain how it is an advantage and provide specific details.
  • Example: Give a real-world example or a hypothetical scenario that illustrates this advantage.
  • Concluding Sentence: Sum up the advantage and transition to the next paragraph.

Example Body Paragraph 1:

One of the main advantages of [Topic] is [Advantage 1]. This is particularly beneficial because [explain the benefit]. For instance, [provide an example]. Therefore, the enhancement in [related outcome] is a clear merit derived from [Topic].

Body Paragraph 2: Second Advantage

  • Topic Sentence: Mention the second advantage.
  • Explanation: Discuss why it is advantageous.
  • Example: Provide an example.
  • Concluding Sentence: Reinforce the advantage and hint towards discussing disadvantages.

Example Body Paragraph 2:

Furthermore, another advantage is [Advantage 2]. This advantage is crucial as it [explain the significance]. For example, [provide an example]. Consequently, [Topic] proves to be advantageous in terms of [mention the overall impact].

Body Paragraph 3: First Disadvantage

  • Topic Sentence: Introduce the first disadvantage.
  • Explanation: Explain why it is a disadvantage.
  • Example: Provide a relevant example.
  • Concluding Sentence: Wrap up the discussion on this disadvantage.

Example Body Paragraph 3:

However, despite these benefits, [Topic] also has its drawbacks. A major disadvantage is [Disadvantage 1]. This can be problematic because [explain the problem]. An example of this is [give an example], which illustrates the potential challenges.

Body Paragraph 4: Second Disadvantage

  • Topic Sentence: State the second disadvantage.
  • Explanation: Detail why it is a negative aspect.
  • Example: Provide an example to back up your claim.
  • Concluding Sentence: Conclude by emphasizing the severity or impact of the disadvantage.

Example Body Paragraph 4:

Additionally, [Topic] may also lead to [Disadvantage 2]. This is particularly concerning because [explain why]. A notable instance of this is [example], highlighting the adverse effects that may arise.


  • Summary of Main Points: Briefly summarize the advantages and disadvantages discussed.
  • Restatement of Thesis: Reinforce that the topic has both pros and cons.
  • Closing Remark: End with a thoughtful remark or a call for further research.

Example Conclusion:

In conclusion, while [Topic] offers significant advantages such as [Advantage 1] and [Advantage 2], it also poses serious disadvantages, including [Disadvantage 1] and [Disadvantage 2]. Thus, it is imperative to weigh these factors carefully when considering the broader implications of [Topic].

Useful Expressions for an Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

Introducing Points

  • “One of the foremost benefits…”
  • “A primary drawback is…”
  • “It is widely acknowledged that…”
  • “Critics argue that…”

Highlighting Advantages

  • “This is advantageous because…”
  • “This proves beneficial in the realm of…”
  • “This fosters/enhances/promotes…”
  • “Consequently, this leads to…”

Highlighting Disadvantages

  • “On the downside…”
  • “This poses a significant challenge due to…”
  • “A potential pitfall of this is…”
  • “Conversely, this could lead to…”

Transitioning Between Points

  • “Moving on to the disadvantages…”
  • “On the other hand…”
  • “Furthermore…”
  • “While it is true that…, it cannot be overlooked that…”

Concluding Points

  • “In light of these points…”
  • “Given these advantages and disadvantages…”
  • “To encapsulate…”
  • “It is imperative to weigh both sides…”


Using complex sentence structures can enhance the sophistication of your writing in IELTS essays. Here are some common complex structures with illustrations to help you articulate advantages and disadvantages effectively:

1. Conditional Sentences

Structure: If + simple past, would + base verb

  • Use: To speculate about possible outcomes or effects of a scenario.
  • Example: If governments regulated social media more strictly, they would likely see a decrease in the spread of misinformation.

2. Relative Clauses

Structure: [Subject] + [verb] + [relative pronoun (who, which, that, where, when)] + [clause]

  • Use: To provide additional information about a noun without starting a new sentence.
  • Example: Online education, which allows students to learn at their own pace, can be particularly beneficial for working adults.

3. Passive Voice

Structure: [Object of the action] + [be] + [past participle of the verb] + [by] + [subject of the action]

  • Use: To focus on the action or the recipient of the action rather than who performs it.
  • Example: Many innovations in technology are driven by demands that arise from new educational methods.

4. Complex Adverbials

Structure: [Subordinating conjunction (although, even though, whereas, while)] + [subject] + [verb]

  • Use: To contrast two ideas or to admit a point in the discussion.
  • Example: While online education provides flexibility, it lacks the personal interaction that traditional classrooms offer.

5. Cleft Sentences

Structure: It is/was + [noun/adjective] + that/who + [clause]

  • Use: To emphasize a particular part of the sentence.
  • Example: It is the accessibility of online education that has revolutionized how people engage with learning.

6. Inversion for Emphasis

Structure: Never/Rarely/Seldom + auxiliary verb + subject + main verb

  • Use: To give emphasis, often in a formal style.
  • Example: Rarely do we consider the environmental impact when discussing the benefits of space exploration.

7. Infinitive Constructions

Structure: [To + base form of the verb] as a way to [purpose]

  • Use: To explain the purpose or intention behind an action.
  • Example: Governments invest in space exploration to advance technological development.

8. Participial Phrases

Structure: [Present participle (-ing) or past participle (-ed)] + phrase

  • Use: To add information about the subject in the form of an adjective.
  • Example: Fueled by the need for more skilled workers, online education platforms are expanding rapidly

Sample Essay: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education


In today’s digital age, online education is becoming increasingly prevalent in our educational system. It is heralded for its accessibility and convenience, yet it also faces criticism for its lack of interpersonal interaction. This essay will explore two primary advantages and two significant disadvantages of online education.

Body Paragraph 1: First Advantage

One of the main advantages of online education is its accessibility. Students from any geographical location can access quality education, eliminating the barrier of distance. For instance, a student in a remote area can attend courses offered by top universities without the need to relocate. This democratization of education is a clear merit derived from online learning platforms.

Body Paragraph 2: Second Advantage

Furthermore, online education offers flexibility that accommodates individual learning styles and schedules. This is particularly beneficial for students who balance work and study, or for those who prefer to learn at their own pace. For example, many online courses provide asynchronous sessions where students can access and engage with the material at a time that suits them best. Consequently, online education enhances personalized learning experiences.

Body Paragraph 3: First Disadvantage

However, online education is often criticized for its lack of face-to-face interaction, which can hinder student engagement and motivation. This absence of physical presence in a traditional classroom setting can lead to feelings of isolation among students. An example of this is the difficulty in building real connections with peers and instructors, which is vital for collaborative learning and academic success.

Body Paragraph 4: Second Disadvantage

Additionally, the effectiveness of online learning can be compromised by technological issues. Not all students have access to reliable internet connections or the necessary devices, which can create disparities in learning opportunities. This digital divide is particularly concerning in less developed regions, where students might struggle to participate effectively in online education.


In conclusion, while online education offers significant advantages such as accessibility and flexibility, it also poses serious disadvantages, including reduced interpersonal interaction and technological barriers. Thus, it is imperative to weigh these factors carefully when considering the broader implications of integrating online platforms into the education system.

Sample Essay Questions on Different Topics

  1. Many cities around the world are expanding rapidly. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in a large city.
  2. Online education has become more popular in recent years. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of online learning compared to traditional classroom learning.
  3. Some companies are considering a four-day workweek. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of reducing the workweek from five days to four.
  4. Space exploration requires significant investment. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of spending public funds on space research.
  5. Freelancing has grown as a career option for many young people. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of choosing freelancing over traditional employment.
  6. Technology is becoming integral to early childhood education. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of introducing tablets and smartphones to children under the age of five.
  7. Education systems often focus either on the arts or the sciences. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of students studying both arts and sciences in high school.
  8. The genetic modification of animals is increasing. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using genetically modified animals in scientific research.
  9. Media influence on politics is often debated. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of media, such as television and newspapers, influencing government decisions.
  10. Urbanization is leading people to move from rural areas to cities. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in a small town versus a big city.
  11. Multinational corporations often set up factories in developing countries. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.
  12. Environmental concerns are prompting dietary changes. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of adopting a predominantly vegetarian diet to conserve natural resources.
  13. Shopping habits have evolved with the internet. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of traditional shopping versus online shopping.
  14. Standardized tests are commonly used in university admissions. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using standardized tests as the primary criteria for university admission.
  15. Adult education is becoming more popular. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of adults continuing their education into later life.
  16. The role of public libraries is changing due to the rise of digital books. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of maintaining traditional public libraries.
  17. Cultural tourism impacts local communities. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of promoting cultural tourism in local areas.
  18. Renewable energy is seen as the future of energy production. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources in the coming decades.
  19. Tourism can significantly impact a country’s economy. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relying heavily on tourism for economic growth.
  20. Competitive sports are often encouraged from a young age. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of children participating in competitive sports.