IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe your favourite type of climate

Describe your favourite type of climate
You should say:
What is it?
Is it hot or cold?
How often is the rain?
And explain why you like this type of climate

Useful Vocabulary and Expressions

1. What is it?

  • Vocabulary: climate, weather, conditions, atmosphere, environment
  • Expressions:
    • “My favorite type of climate is…”
    • “I particularly enjoy…”
    • “The climate I prefer is…”

2. Is it hot or cold?

  • Vocabulary: warm, cool, temperate, moderate, mild
  • Expressions:
    • “This climate is usually…”
    • “It tends to be…”
    • “The temperature is generally…”

3. How often is the rain?

  • Vocabulary: rainfall, precipitation, showers, drizzles, downpours
  • Expressions:
    • “It rains…”
    • “Rainfall occurs…”
    • “The frequency of rain is…”

4. Why you like this type of climate:

  • Vocabulary: pleasant, comfortable, enjoyable, favorable, ideal
  • Expressions:
    • “I like this type of climate because…”
    • “The reason I enjoy this climate is…”
    • “This climate is perfect for…”


  1. mild temperatures
  2. clear skies
  3. light breeze
  4. occasional rain
  5. temperate climate
  6. sunny days
  7. comfortable weather
  8. refreshing rain
  9. pleasant atmosphere
  10. ideal conditions

Sample Answer

My favorite type of climate is a temperate climate. I particularly enjoy this climate because it offers a good balance of conditions.

This climate is usually mild and comfortable. It tends to be neither too hot nor too cold, making it ideal for outdoor activities and everyday life. The temperature is generally moderate, with warm summers and cool but not harsh winters.

Rainfall occurs occasionally, providing a refreshing change without being overwhelming. The frequency of rain is just enough to keep the environment green and lush, but it doesn’t disrupt daily activities too often. It rains often enough to create a pleasant atmosphere, but the skies are usually clear.

I like this type of climate because it is pleasant and comfortable year-round. The reason I enjoy this climate is that it allows for a variety of outdoor activities, from hiking to picnicking, without extreme weather conditions. The mild temperatures and clear skies make it enjoyable to spend time outside, while the occasional rain keeps the air fresh and the landscape beautiful. This climate is perfect for those who appreciate sunny days and a light breeze. The ideal conditions of a temperate climate create a favorable environment that is both relaxing and invigorating.