IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe your daily routine that you enjoy

Describe your daily routine that you enjoy
You should say:
What it is
When and why you started to follow this routine
Whether it is easy to follow this routine
And explain why you enjoy having this routine in your daily life

Useful Vocabulary and Expressions

1. What it is:

  • Vocabulary: habit, ritual, schedule, practice, regimen
  • Expressions:
    • “My daily routine involves…”
    • “I follow a routine of…”
    • “One of my favorite parts of the day is when…”

2. When and why you started to follow this routine:

  • Vocabulary: adopted, implemented, initiated, established, commenced
  • Expressions:
    • “I started this routine when…”
    • “I adopted this habit because…”
    • “I initiated this practice around…”

3. Whether it is easy to follow this routine:

  • Vocabulary: manageable, straightforward, consistent, feasible, disciplined
  • Expressions:
    • “It is relatively easy to follow because…”
    • “I find it manageable since…”
    • “Maintaining this routine requires…”

4. Why you enjoy having this routine in your daily life:

  • Vocabulary: beneficial, rewarding, satisfying, fulfilling, enriching
  • Expressions:
    • “I enjoy this routine because…”
    • “This practice is rewarding since…”
    • “Having this routine makes me feel…”


  1. daily routine
  2. consistent schedule
  3. beneficial habit
  4. adopted the practice
  5. straightforward process
  6. enriching experience
  7. manageable routine
  8. fulfilling habit
  9. satisfying regimen
  10. disciplined approach

Sample Answer

My daily routine involves a morning yoga practice followed by a healthy breakfast and some time spent reading. I adopted this habit about two years ago when I realized I needed a way to start my day that would help me feel energized and focused. I started this routine when I was feeling particularly stressed and needed a way to find balance.

It is relatively easy to follow because I have integrated it smoothly into my morning schedule. I find it manageable since the yoga sessions are not too long, and preparing a healthy breakfast has become second nature to me. Maintaining this routine requires some discipline, but once it became a habit, it felt very straightforward.

I enjoy this routine because it is incredibly beneficial for both my physical and mental health. The yoga practice helps me stay fit and relaxed, while the healthy breakfast gives me the energy I need for the day. Reading in the morning is an enriching experience that allows me to start my day with a clear and focused mind. This fulfilling habit has made a significant positive impact on my overall well-being, making me feel more satisfied and balanced. Having this consistent schedule in my daily life is something I look forward to every day, and it sets a positive tone for the rest of the day.