IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe something that you did with someone/ a group of people

Describe something that you did with someone/ a group of people
You should say:
What it was
Who you did it with
How long it took you to do this
And explain why you did it with one or more people

Useful Vocabulary and Expressions

1. What it was:

  • Vocabulary: activity, task, project, event, undertaking
  • Expressions:
    • “The activity I participated in was…”
    • “One memorable task I did was…”
    • “The event we took part in involved…”

2. Who you did it with:

  • Vocabulary: companions, group, team, friends, colleagues
  • Expressions:
    • “I did it with…”
    • “My companions for this activity were…”
    • “We did this as a team with…”

3. How long it took you to do this:

  • Vocabulary: duration, time span, period, length, timeframe
  • Expressions:
    • “It took us…”
    • “The entire process lasted…”
    • “We spent… doing this.”

4. Why you did it with one or more people:

  • Vocabulary: collaboration, teamwork, assistance, support, shared effort
  • Expressions:
    • “We did it together because…”
    • “The reason for involving others was…”
    • “It required multiple people due to…”


  1. team effort
  2. collaborative project
  3. shared goal
  4. group activity
  5. mutual support
  6. working together
  7. join forces
  8. collective task
  9. divided responsibilities
  10. common objective

Sample Answer

The activity I participated in was organizing a charity event to raise funds for a local animal shelter. One memorable task I did was planning and executing this event, which involved various tasks like arranging logistics, marketing the event, and coordinating with volunteers.

I did it with a group of close friends and volunteers from the community. My companions for this activity were people who shared a passion for animal welfare and wanted to contribute to a good cause. We did this as a team with around ten dedicated individuals who each had specific roles.

It took us about two months to plan and execute this event. The entire process lasted several weeks, from brainstorming and organizing to the actual day of the event. We spent weekends and evenings working together to ensure everything was in place.

We did it together because organizing an event of this scale required collaboration and teamwork. The reason for involving others was the complexity and the need for diverse skills, such as marketing, logistics, and event management. It required multiple people due to the various tasks that needed to be handled simultaneously.

Additionally, having a team allowed us to divide responsibilities and provide mutual support. Working together made the process more efficient and enjoyable. The shared goal of helping the animal shelter motivated us to put in our best effort, and the collective task strengthened our bonds and made the event a huge success. By joining forces and pursuing a common objective, we were able to achieve much more than any of us could have individually.