IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe another city you would like to visit for a short time

Describe another city you would like to visit for a short time

You should say

Where the city is

Why you want to go there

Whom you will go there with

What you will do there

And explain why you would like to stay there for a short time



Where the city is

  • Ideas: Paris, France; Tokyo, Japan; Sydney, Australia; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Marrakech, Morocco
  • Vocabulary: capital city, metropolitan area, cultural center, coastal city, historic city
  • USEFUL PHRASES: “I’ve always been fascinated by the culture and history of [city]”, “I’ve heard so much about [city] and would love to see it for myself”, “I’m drawn to [city] because of its stunning architecture and natural beauty”

Why you want to go there

  • Ideas: try the local cuisine, explore the city’s landmarks, attend a cultural festival, experience the nightlife, visit friends or family
  • Vocabulary: culinary scene, tourist attractions, cultural events, entertainment options, personal connections
  • USEFUL PHRASES: “I’ve always been curious about the local cuisine in [city]”, “I’m interested in exploring the [city]’s famous landmarks and historical sites”, “I’m excited to attend [city]’s upcoming cultural festival”

Whom you will go there with

  • Ideas: family, friends, significant other, solo travel
  • Vocabulary: travel companions, tour group, travel buddy, solo traveler
  • USEFUL PHRASES: “I plan to go to [city] with my significant other”, “I’ve always wanted to explore [city] with a group of friends”, “I’m excited to embark on a solo adventure in [city]”

What you will do there

  • Ideas: sightseeing, outdoor activities, shopping, dining out, cultural experiences
  • Vocabulary: tourism, recreation, leisure, cuisine, arts and culture
  • USEFUL PHRASES: “I plan to spend my time in [city] exploring its many tourist attractions”, “I’m excited to experience [city]’s natural beauty through outdoor activities like hiking and biking”, “I can’t wait to sample the local cuisine in [city]”

Why you would like to stay there for a short time

  • Ideas: limited vacation time, cost, other travel plans, personal obligations
  • Vocabulary: time constraints, budget, itinerary, responsibilities​​​​​​​USEFUL PHRASES: “While I would love to spend more time in [city], I only have a limited amount of vacation time”, “I’m on a tight budget, so I can only stay in [city] for a few days”, “I have other travel plans later in the year, so I can only stay in [city] for a short time”