IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe an occasion when you received incorrect information

Describe an occasion when you received incorrect information

You should say:

• When you got it

• How you got it

• How you found it was incorrect

And explain how you felt about it?

Ideas for the IELTS Speaking Question:

  1. Work Scenario: Receiving incorrect information at the workplace.
  2. Miscommunication in Personal Life: Getting misinformation from a friend or family member.
  3. Online Source: Misinterpreting information found on the internet.
  4. Academic Setting: Being given incorrect information in a classroom or educational setting.
  5. News or Media: Being misled by inaccurate news or media coverage.
  6. Misguided Recommendation: Receiving incorrect advice or guidance from someone.

Useful Expressions:

  1. Introducing the Occasion:
    • “I’d like to talk about a time when I received incorrect information.”
    • “The occasion I have in mind happened…”
    • “It was a situation where I thought I had reliable information, but…”
  2. When You Got It:
    • “This happened a few months ago…”
    • “It was during [a specific event or time]…”
    • “I encountered this situation when…”
  3. How You Got It:
    • “I received the information through…”
    • “It was conveyed to me by…”
    • “I stumbled upon this information while…”
  4. How You Found It Was Incorrect:
    • “I realized the information was incorrect when…”
    • “Upon further investigation, I discovered that…”
    • “I cross-referenced the details and found out that…”
  5. How You Felt About It:
    • “At first, I felt…”
    • “Discovering the misinformation left me…”
    • “It was a bit disheartening to learn that…”

Sample Answer:

“I’d like to share an occasion when I received incorrect information, and it happened a few months ago at work. I was working on a project where accurate data was crucial, and I received some figures from a colleague that I thought were reliable.

The information was conveyed to me during a team meeting, and I trusted the source as my colleague had been involved in similar projects before. I incorporated those figures into my presentation without cross-referencing them, thinking they were accurate.

It wasn’t until later, during a client meeting, that I realized the information was incorrect. The client questioned some of the data points, and upon revisiting the numbers, I discovered discrepancies. I immediately felt a sense of frustration and disappointment in myself for not double-checking the information before presenting it.

Realizing the misinformation had an impact on the project’s credibility, and it was a learning experience for me about the importance of verifying information, especially in a professional setting. I took immediate steps to rectify the situation, and fortunately, the client was understanding. However, the incident highlighted the need for thorough fact-checking in my work, and it taught me to be more cautious about trusting information without verification.”