IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe an indoor or outdoor place where it was easy for you to study

Describe an indoor or outdoor place where it was easy for you to study
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
When you go there
What you study there
And explain why you would like to study in this place

Useful Vocabulary and Expressions

1. Where it is:

  • Vocabulary: located, situated, positioned, nestled, found
  • Expressions:
    • “The place where I find it easy to study is…”
    • “It is located in…”
    • “This spot is situated in…”

2. What it is like:

  • Vocabulary: serene, quiet, conducive, peaceful, comfortable
  • Expressions:
    • “It is characterized by…”
    • “The environment is very…”
    • “One of the best features of this place is…”

3. When you go there:

  • Vocabulary: regularly, frequently, often, occasionally, daily
  • Expressions:
    • “I usually go there during…”
    • “I find myself there most often in the…”
    • “I tend to visit this place whenever I need to…”

4. What you study there:

  • Vocabulary: subjects, topics, coursework, materials, preparation
  • Expressions:
    • “I study subjects like…”
    • “My focus there is usually on…”
    • “I go there to prepare for…”

5. Why you like to study in this place:

  • Vocabulary: ideal, perfect, suitable, optimal, favorite
  • Expressions:
    • “I like studying here because…”
    • “This place is ideal for studying because…”
    • “It helps me focus and concentrate since…”


  1. quiet environment
  2. conducive to studying
  3. peaceful atmosphere
  4. comfortable seating
  5. regular visits
  6. study sessions
  7. focus and concentration
  8. academic materials
  9. preparation for exams
  10. favorite study spot

Sample Answer

The place where I find it easy to study is the local library, which is located in the center of my town. This spot is situated in a quiet neighborhood, making it perfect for focused study sessions.

The library is characterized by its serene and peaceful atmosphere. The environment is very conducive to studying with its comfortable seating and well-lit spaces. One of the best features of this place is the quiet environment, which helps minimize distractions.

I usually go there during the afternoons and weekends. I find myself there most often in the late afternoon when it is relatively less crowded. Regular visits to the library have become a part of my routine, especially when I need to prepare for exams or work on important assignments.

At the library, I study subjects like math, history, and literature. My focus there is usually on reading academic materials, taking notes, and preparing for upcoming exams. The resources available at the library, including books and online databases, are incredibly helpful for my studies.

I like studying here because it is an ideal place for concentration and productivity. The peaceful atmosphere and conducive environment help me stay focused and avoid distractions. This place is perfect for studying because it provides all the necessary resources and a quiet space to work. It helps me focus and concentrate since it is free from the usual disturbances found at home. The library has become my favorite study spot, and I always feel more productive and prepared after spending time there.