IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe an important letter that you received

Describe an important letter that you received
You should say:
Who wrote it to you
What the letter was about
How you felt about the letter
And explain why the letter was important to you.

Useful Vocabulary and Expressions

1. Who wrote it to you:

  • Vocabulary: sender, author, correspondent, writer, person
  • Expressions:
    • “The letter was written by…”
    • “I received the letter from…”
    • “It was sent to me by…”

2. What the letter was about:

  • Vocabulary: contents, message, subject, purpose, information
  • Expressions:
    • “The letter was about…”
    • “It contained information about…”
    • “The message in the letter was regarding…”

3. How you felt about the letter:

  • Vocabulary: emotions, feelings, reactions, response, sentiment
  • Expressions:
    • “I felt…”
    • “The letter made me feel…”
    • “My reaction to the letter was…”

4. Explain why the letter was important to you:

  • Vocabulary: significance, impact, importance, relevance, meaning
  • Expressions:
    • “The letter was important because…”
    • “It had a significant impact on…”
    • “This letter meant a lot to me because…”


  1. received a letter
  2. written by
  3. important message
  4. significant news
  5. felt excited
  6. deeply touched
  7. conveyed information
  8. personal significance
  9. unexpected letter
  10. heartfelt message

Sample Answer

The letter was written by my grandmother. I received the letter from her about a year ago, during the holiday season. It was a handwritten letter, something she often did to stay in touch with the family.

The letter was about her reflections on our family’s history and some heartfelt advice she wanted to share with me. She included stories about her childhood, how she met my grandfather, and some family traditions she hoped I would carry on. The message in the letter was deeply personal and filled with love and wisdom.

I felt deeply touched and moved by the letter. It made me feel connected to my grandmother and our family’s heritage in a way that I hadn’t felt before. My reaction to the letter was one of warmth and appreciation, as it was clear how much thought and effort she had put into writing it.

The letter was important to me because it conveyed information that I might not have learned otherwise. It had a personal significance and helped me understand more about where I come from and the values my family holds dear. This letter meant a lot to me because it was an unexpected letter filled with a heartfelt message, making it a treasured keepsake that I will always cherish.