IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe an area of science that you are interested in

Describe an area of science that you are interested in.

You should say:
• What area it is
• How you became interested in it
• What you find fascinating about it
And explain how this interest affects your life or future plans.

Useful Vocabulary and Expressions

1. What area it is:

  • Vocabulary: field, branch, discipline, specialization, subject
  • Expressions:
    • “The area of science I am particularly interested in is…”
    • “This field of study involves…”
    • “I am fascinated by the discipline of…”

2. How you became interested in it:

  • Vocabulary: intrigued, inspired, captivated, exposed, discovered
  • Expressions:
    • “I became interested in this field when…”
    • “My interest was sparked by…”
    • “I discovered my passion for this area through…”

3. What you find fascinating about it:

  • Vocabulary: fascinating, intriguing, remarkable, groundbreaking, revolutionary
  • Expressions:
    • “What I find most fascinating about this field is…”
    • “I am intrigued by the…”
    • “The most remarkable aspect of this area is…”

4. Explain how this interest affects your life or future plans:

  • Vocabulary: impacts, influences, shapes, directs, guides
  • Expressions:
    • “This interest has significantly impacted my life by…”
    • “My future plans are guided by…”
    • “This field influences my daily life and future aspirations because…”


  1. scientific research
  2. groundbreaking discoveries
  3. academic pursuit
  4. technological advancements
  5. theoretical knowledge
  6. practical applications
  7. career path
  8. scientific community
  9. innovative solutions
  10. lifelong learning

Sample Answer

The area of science I am particularly interested in is astrophysics. This field of study involves understanding the physical properties and behaviors of celestial bodies and the universe as a whole. I am fascinated by the discipline of astrophysics because it delves into the mysteries of space, time, and the fundamental forces that govern the cosmos.

I became interested in this field when I was in high school. My interest was sparked by a captivating documentary about the universe and the groundbreaking discoveries made by astronomers and physicists. This documentary opened my eyes to the vastness of space and the incredible phenomena that occur beyond our planet. I discovered my passion for this area through further reading and by attending a local astronomy club, where I could engage with like-minded individuals and learn more about the universe.

What I find most fascinating about this field is the idea that we are constantly uncovering new knowledge about the universe. The most remarkable aspect of this area is how it combines theoretical knowledge with practical applications. For instance, understanding black holes and the Big Bang theory not only satisfies intellectual curiosity but also leads to technological advancements that can benefit society in unexpected ways.

This interest has significantly impacted my life by shaping my academic pursuit and career path. I am currently studying physics at university, with a focus on astrophysics. My future plans are guided by this passion, as I aspire to contribute to the scientific community through research and innovative solutions. This field influences my daily life and future aspirations because it encourages me to think critically, stay curious, and engage in lifelong learning. Ultimately, my fascination with astrophysics fuels my desire to explore the unknown and contribute to our understanding of the universe.