IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe an advertisement you have seen but you did not like

Describe an advertisement you have seen but you did not like

You should say:

When and where you saw it What

the advertisement was for

What you could see in the advertisement

And explain why you don’t like the advertisement



When and where you saw it:

  • I saw the advertisement last week while watching TV.
  • It was in a magazine I was reading at the doctor’s office.
  • The ad was displayed on a billboard I drove by on my way to work.

What the advertisement was for:

  • It was an ad for a fast-food chain.
  • The advertisement was promoting a new car model.
  • It was a commercial for a phone service provider.

What you could see in the advertisement:

  • The ad featured a celebrity endorsing the product.
  • It had bright colors and flashy graphics.
  • The commercial showed a family enjoying the product.

And explain why you don’t like the advertisement:

  • I didn’t like the advertisement because it was too loud and obnoxious.
  • The commercial was misleading and exaggerated the benefits of the product.
  • The ad was sexist and portrayed women as objects.



  • The advertisement caught my attention immediately, but for all the wrong reasons.
  • The way the product was presented in the advertisement did not align with my personal values.
  • I found the ad to be manipulative and misleading.
  • The commercial was trying too hard to be trendy and relatable.
  • The message of the advertisement was lost in the clutter of loud music and flashy graphics.



The advertisement that I didn’t like was a commercial for a fast-food chain that I saw last week while watching TV. The ad immediately caught my attention, but for all the wrong reasons.

In the advertisement, they used bright colors and flashy graphics to grab viewers’ attention. They also featured a popular celebrity endorsing the product, which seemed like a desperate attempt to appeal to consumers.

What I disliked the most about this advertisement was how loud and obnoxious it was. The commercial was filled with fast-paced music and chaotic visuals, making it difficult to focus on the actual message they were trying to convey. The way the product was presented did not align with my personal values, as it seemed to prioritize flashiness over the quality of the food.

Moreover, I found the advertisement to be manipulative and misleading. It exaggerated the benefits of their fast-food offerings, creating unrealistic expectations in the minds of consumers. This kind of dishonest marketing tactic left a negative impression on me.

Additionally, I felt that the ad lacked substance and failed to deliver any meaningful message. It seemed to be trying too hard to be trendy and relatable, instead of focusing on the actual quality or nutritional value of their food.

Overall, the advertisement left me with a feeling of disappointment. The loud and obnoxious nature of the commercial, coupled with the misleading and manipulative tactics used, made me question the ethics and values of the fast-food chain. It was a prime example of how advertising can sometimes prioritize flashy visuals and celebrity endorsements over honesty and integrity.