IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time

Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time
You should say:
What it is
When you usually do it
Why you do it
And explain why you think it wastes your time

Useful Vocabulary and Expressions

1. What it is:

  • Vocabulary: activity, habit, routine, practice
  • Expressions:
    • “The activity that I find wastes my time is…”
    • “One habit that consumes a lot of my time is…”
    • “I often find myself…”

2. When you usually do it:

  • Vocabulary: usually, often, frequently, habitually, regularly
  • Expressions:
    • “I usually do this when…”
    • “I often engage in this activity during…”
    • “This usually happens…”

3. Why you do it:

  • Vocabulary: reason, cause, motivation, temptation, boredom
  • Expressions:
    • “The reason I do this is…”
    • “I find myself doing this because…”
    • “I am often tempted to do this when…”

4. Why you think it wastes your time:

  • Vocabulary: unproductive, idle, pointless, inefficient, trivial
  • Expressions:
    • “I think it wastes my time because…”
    • “This activity is unproductive as…”
    • “The reason I consider it a waste of time is…”


  1. spend hours
  2. mindless activity
  3. unproductive habit
  4. waste of time
  5. idle behavior
  6. endless scrolling
  7. distract from
  8. time-consuming
  9. unimportant tasks
  10. feel guilty

Sample Answer

The activity that I find wastes my time is scrolling through social media. This habit consumes a lot of my time and often leaves me feeling unproductive.

I usually do this when I have free moments during the day, especially in the evenings after work or before going to bed. I often engage in this activity during breaks or when I’m trying to unwind, thinking that a quick check will relax me.

The reason I do this is because it’s an easy way to pass the time and it provides a temporary distraction from the day’s stress. I find myself doing this because social media is designed to be engaging and addictive. I am often tempted to do this when I feel bored or when I want to avoid starting a more challenging task.

I think it wastes my time because it is a mindless activity that doesn’t add any real value to my life. This activity is unproductive as it often distracts me from more important tasks and goals. The endless scrolling through posts, photos, and videos is time-consuming and doesn’t contribute to my personal growth or well-being. The reason I consider it a waste of time is that, after spending hours on social media, I usually feel like I’ve missed opportunities to do something more meaningful or productive. This unproductive habit often leaves me feeling guilty for not using my time wisely.