IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a time when you took a risk and you knew something bad might happen, but it had a positive result

Describe a time when you took a risk and you knew something bad might happen, but it had a positive result
You should say:
What risk you took
What bad thing you thought might happen
Why you decided to take this risk
And explain why the result of taking this risk was positive

Useful Vocabulary and Expressions

1. What risk you took:

  • Vocabulary: chance, gamble, venture, risk, opportunity
  • Expressions:
    • “The risk I took was…”
    • “I decided to take a chance by…”
    • “The venture I embarked on involved…”

2. What bad thing you thought might happen:

  • Vocabulary: consequence, outcome, repercussion, downside, negative result
  • Expressions:
    • “I feared that…”
    • “There was a possibility that…”
    • “I was concerned that…”

3. Why you decided to take this risk:

  • Vocabulary: motivation, reason, drive, impetus, determination
  • Expressions:
    • “I decided to take this risk because…”
    • “The reason I chose to proceed was…”
    • “What motivated me to take this risk was…”

4. Why the result of taking this risk was positive:

  • Vocabulary: outcome, result, consequence, benefit, reward
  • Expressions:
    • “The result of taking this risk was positive because…”
    • “This risk turned out well because…”
    • “The benefit of taking this chance was…”


  1. calculated risk
  2. potential downside
  3. overcoming fears
  4. unexpected benefit
  5. significant reward
  6. positive outcome
  7. successful venture
  8. stepping out of comfort zone
  9. favorable result
  10. taking a leap of faith

Sample Answer

The risk I took was quitting my stable job to start my own business. I decided to take a chance by leaving a secure position to pursue my passion for graphic design and open my own design studio.

I feared that my business might fail and I would lose my savings. There was a possibility that I wouldn’t be able to attract enough clients and would struggle financially. I was concerned that the potential downside of this decision could lead to financial instability and the stress of an unsuccessful venture.

I decided to take this risk because I was motivated by my passion for design and the desire to be my own boss. The reason I chose to proceed was that I wanted to create something of my own and have the freedom to work on projects that truly excited me. What motivated me to take this risk was the belief that I could build a successful business if I dedicated myself to it.

The result of taking this risk was positive because my business quickly gained traction and attracted a steady stream of clients. This risk turned out well because I was able to leverage my skills and network to secure projects and grow my studio. The benefit of taking this chance was that I not only achieved financial success but also found greater job satisfaction and personal fulfillment.

In addition, this experience taught me the value of stepping out of my comfort zone and taking a calculated risk. The unexpected benefit was the confidence I gained in my abilities and the realization that taking bold steps can lead to significant rewards. This successful venture has made me more open to taking risks in the future, knowing that they can result in positive outcomes and favorable results.