IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a time when someone apologised to you

Describe a time when someone apologised to you
You should say:
Who apologised you and When
Why they apologised
And explain how did you felt after they apologised

Useful Vocabulary and Expressions

1. Who apologized to you and when:

  • Vocabulary: friend, colleague, family member, acquaintance, superior
  • Expressions:
    • “The person who apologized to me was…”
    • “He/She apologized to me in…”
    • “This happened when…”

2. Why they apologized:

  • Vocabulary: mistake, misunderstanding, error, oversight, behavior
  • Expressions:
    • “He/She apologized because…”
    • “The apology was for…”
    • “It happened due to…”

3. How you felt after they apologized:

  • Vocabulary: relieved, appreciated, respected, understood, calm
  • Expressions:
    • “I felt very…”
    • “The apology made me feel…”
    • “It helped me to…”


  1. sincere apology
  2. clear the air
  3. heartfelt apology
  4. misunderstanding resolved
  5. mistake acknowledged
  6. mend the relationship
  7. show remorse
  8. take responsibility
  9. feel appreciated
  10. regain trust

Sample Answer

The person who apologized to me was my friend, James. He apologized to me in January last year after a misunderstanding we had regarding a group project.

James apologized because there was a misunderstanding about the division of tasks for our project. He had accidentally taken credit for some of the work I had done, which made me feel unappreciated and frustrated. When he realized his mistake, he immediately approached me and offered a sincere apology.

The apology was heartfelt and genuine. He explained that it was an oversight on his part and that he didn’t intend to take credit for my work. He showed remorse and took full responsibility for the error. This helped clear the air between us and allowed us to move forward with our project.

I felt very relieved and appreciated after he apologized. The apology made me feel respected and understood, as it showed that he valued our friendship and my contributions to the project. It helped me to regain trust in him and mend our relationship. Overall, the misunderstanding was resolved in a positive way, and our friendship became even stronger after this incident.