IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a place you have visited that is affected by air pollution

Describe a place you have visited that is affected by air pollution
You should say:
Where you have been to a place with serious air pollution
Why is it serious
What kind of pollution there was
And explain how you felt about the pollution in this place

Useful Vocabulary and Expressions

1. Where you have been to a place with serious air pollution:

  • Vocabulary: location, city, region, area, urban center
  • Expressions:
    • “The place I visited with serious air pollution was…”
    • “I have been to…”
    • “This city is known for its…”

2. Why is it serious:

  • Vocabulary: severity, intensity, impact, major issue, significant problem
  • Expressions:
    • “The air pollution is serious because…”
    • “One major reason for the severity is…”
    • “It is a significant problem due to…”

3. What kind of pollution there was:

  • Vocabulary: smog, vehicle emissions, industrial pollutants, haze, particulate matter
  • Expressions:
    • “The type of pollution included…”
    • “The air was filled with…”
    • “There were high levels of…”

4. How you felt about the pollution in this place:

  • Vocabulary: concerned, worried, uneasy, uncomfortable, disheartened
  • Expressions:
    • “I felt very…”
    • “The pollution made me feel…”
    • “It was a… experience because…”


  1. thick smog
  2. poor air quality
  3. heavy traffic
  4. industrial emissions
  5. significant health risk
  6. dense haze
  7. air pollution levels
  8. respiratory issues
  9. environmental impact
  10. polluted atmosphere

Sample Answer

The place I visited with serious air pollution was Beijing, the capital city of China. This urban center is known for its poor air quality and frequent thick smog.

The air pollution is serious because of the heavy traffic and the large number of industrial emissions. One major reason for the severity is the high concentration of factories and the sheer number of vehicles on the road. It is a significant problem due to the city’s rapid industrialization and urbanization, which contribute heavily to the pollution levels.

The type of pollution included vehicle emissions and industrial pollutants. The air was filled with dense haze and there were high levels of particulate matter. On some days, the smog was so thick that visibility was severely reduced, making it difficult to see even a short distance ahead.

I felt very concerned and uneasy about the pollution in this place. The pollution made me feel worried about the significant health risks it posed to the residents, including respiratory issues and other health problems. It was a disheartening experience because the polluted atmosphere overshadowed the beauty and vibrancy of the city. The environmental impact of such pollution is also troubling, as it affects not only human health but also the ecosystem.