IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with

Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with
You should say:
What party it was
Who this person is
What you talked about
And explain why you enjoyed talking with him/her

Useful Vocabulary and Expressions

1. What party it was:

  • Vocabulary: celebration, event, gathering, occasion, social
  • Expressions:
    • “The party was a…”
    • “It was held at…”
    • “The event was organized to…”

2. Who this person is:

  • Vocabulary: acquaintance, stranger, friend, colleague, guest
  • Expressions:
    • “This person is…”
    • “I met…”
    • “We were introduced by…”

3. What you talked about:

  • Vocabulary: conversation, discussion, topics, subjects, exchange
  • Expressions:
    • “We talked about…”
    • “Our conversation revolved around…”
    • “We discussed…”

4. Explain why you enjoyed talking with him/her:

  • Vocabulary: enjoyable, engaging, interesting, delightful, pleasant
  • Expressions:
    • “I enjoyed talking with them because…”
    • “The reason I found the conversation enjoyable was…”
    • “What made the discussion engaging was…”


  1. social gathering
  2. interesting conversation
  3. common interests
  4. engaging discussion
  5. memorable experience
  6. delightful encounter
  7. mutual friends
  8. fascinating topics
  9. intriguing personality
  10. lively exchange

Sample Answer

The party was a birthday celebration for a mutual friend. It was held at a cozy restaurant in the city, and the atmosphere was lively with music, laughter, and good food.

I met a person named Alex at this party. He is a friend of the birthday celebrant, and we were introduced by our mutual friend during the event.

We talked about a variety of topics. Our conversation revolved around our mutual interests in traveling and photography. Alex shared some of his travel experiences in South America, and I talked about my recent trip to Japan. We also discussed our favorite books and movies, which led to some fascinating exchanges of recommendations.

I enjoyed talking with Alex because he was an engaging and interesting person. The reason I found the conversation enjoyable was that we had so many common interests, and he had an intriguing personality that made our discussion lively and fun. What made the discussion engaging was his passion for the subjects we talked about, and the way he shared his experiences with such enthusiasm. This delightful encounter turned the party into a memorable experience, and I left feeling enriched by our fascinating topics and lively exchange.