IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a person who you are happy to know

Describe a person who you are happy to know
You should say:
Who this person is
How long you have known this person
What you do when you are with this person
And explain why you are happy to know this person

Useful Vocabulary and Expressions

1. Who this person is:

  • Vocabulary: acquaintance, friend, mentor, colleague, companion
  • Expressions:
    • “The person I am happy to know is…”
    • “He/She is a…”
    • “This individual is known for…”

2. How long you have known this person:

  • Vocabulary: years, months, since, for, acquainted
  • Expressions:
    • “I have known him/her for…”
    • “We met…”
    • “Our acquaintance began…”

3. What you do when you are with this person:

  • Vocabulary: activities, hang out, spend time, enjoy, engage
  • Expressions:
    • “When we are together, we usually…”
    • “We enjoy…”
    • “Our typical activities include…”

4. Why you are happy to know this person:

  • Vocabulary: grateful, fortunate, appreciate, blessed, enriching
  • Expressions:
    • “I am happy to know this person because…”
    • “He/She brings a lot of…”
    • “Knowing him/her has…”


  1. wonderful friend
  2. enriching conversations
  3. genuine support
  4. shared interests
  5. valuable insights
  6. positive influence
  7. meaningful experiences
  8. quality time
  9. mutual respect
  10. deep connection

Sample Answer

The person I am happy to know is my friend, Alex. He is a wonderful friend and has been a significant part of my life for the past five years. We met in college and quickly became close friends.

I have known him for five years now, and our acquaintance began during a group project in our freshman year. Since then, we have built a strong bond based on shared interests and mutual respect.

When we are together, we usually hang out and engage in various activities such as hiking, playing sports, and exploring new places. We enjoy having enriching conversations about a wide range of topics, from current events to personal growth. Our typical activities include studying together, watching movies, and sometimes just relaxing and talking about life.

I am happy to know this person because he brings a lot of genuine support and positivity into my life. Alex has a positive influence on me, always encouraging me to strive for my best. Knowing him has made my life more enriching and meaningful, as he offers valuable insights and a perspective that helps me grow as a person. Our friendship is characterized by mutual respect and a deep connection that I cherish greatly. I feel fortunate and grateful to have such a quality time companion and a true friend in Alex.