IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music

Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew him/her
What music he/she likes
Why he/she thinks music is important
And explain how you feel about him/her

Useful Vocabulary and Expressions

1. Who this person is:

  • Vocabulary: individual, friend, family member, acquaintance, music lover
  • Expressions:
    • “The person I want to describe is…”
    • “This individual is known for their love of music…”
    • “One of my friends who is passionate about music is…”

2. How you knew him/her:

  • Vocabulary: meeting, encounter, introduction, relationship, connection
  • Expressions:
    • “I met him/her…”
    • “We became friends through…”
    • “I got to know him/her when…”

3. What music he/she likes:

  • Vocabulary: genre, style, type, preference, taste
  • Expressions:
    • “He/she enjoys listening to…”
    • “His/her favorite genre is…”
    • “He/she has a preference for…”

4. Why he/she thinks music is important:

  • Vocabulary: significance, impact, influence, benefits, role
  • Expressions:
    • “He/she believes music is important because…”
    • “To him/her, music plays a crucial role in…”
    • “The reason he/she values music is…”

5. Explain how you feel about him/her:

  • Vocabulary: admiration, respect, feelings, thoughts, impressions
  • Expressions:
    • “I admire him/her because…”
    • “I feel inspired by his/her…”
    • “My feelings towards him/her are…”


  1. passionate about music
  2. musical preferences
  3. favorite genre
  4. emotional connection
  5. significant role
  6. positive impact
  7. deeply influenced
  8. music lover
  9. personal relationship with music
  10. inspiring figure

Sample Answer

The person I want to describe is my best friend, Sarah. This individual is known for her love of music and her extensive knowledge of different genres and artists.

I met her during high school when we were both part of the school’s music club. We became friends through our shared interest in music and our participation in various musical activities and events.

Sarah enjoys listening to a wide range of music. Her favorite genre is classical music, but she also has a strong appreciation for jazz and indie rock. She has a preference for music that has intricate compositions and meaningful lyrics.

She believes music is important because it provides emotional solace and inspires creativity. To her, music plays a crucial role in helping people express their emotions and cope with life’s challenges. She often says that music has the power to heal and bring people together, regardless of their differences. The reason she values music is its ability to evoke emotions and create connections among people.

I admire her because of her passion for music and her dedication to sharing it with others. I feel inspired by her enthusiasm and her ability to find joy and meaning in music. My feelings towards her are of deep respect and admiration for how she integrates music into her life and uses it to positively impact those around her. She is truly an inspiring figure in my life, and her personal relationship with music has taught me to appreciate and explore the significant role music can play in one’s life.