IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a natural talent you want to improve like sport , music,etc..

Describe a natural talent you want to improve like sport , music,etc..
You should say:
What is it
When did you discover it?
How do you want to improve it?
And how do you feel about it?

Useful Vocabulary and Expressions

1. What is it:

  • Vocabulary: innate, inherent, natural ability, flair, aptitude
  • Expressions:
    • “The natural talent I possess is…”
    • “I have always had a flair for…”
    • “One of my inherent abilities is…”

2. When did you discover it:

  • Vocabulary: discovered, realized, noticed, recognized, identified
  • Expressions:
    • “I discovered this talent when…”
    • “I first realized I had this ability at…”
    • “I noticed my aptitude for it during…”

3. How do you want to improve it:

  • Vocabulary: practice, refine, enhance, develop, cultivate
  • Expressions:
    • “I plan to improve by…”
    • “To enhance my skills, I want to…”
    • “My strategy for developing this talent involves…”

4. How do you feel about it:

  • Vocabulary: passionate, excited, determined, enthusiastic, motivated
  • Expressions:
    • “I feel very passionate about…”
    • “This talent makes me feel…”
    • “I am enthusiastic about improving because…”


  1. natural ability
  2. musical talent
  3. early age
  4. rigorous practice
  5. professional guidance
  6. skill development
  7. enhance performance
  8. cultivate talent
  9. passionate pursuit
  10. excited to improve

Sample Answer

The natural talent I possess is playing the piano. I have always had a flair for music, and I discovered this talent when I was around six years old. I first realized I had this ability when my parents noticed me picking out melodies on our old piano at home without any formal training.

To improve my piano skills, I plan to practice regularly and take lessons from a professional instructor. My strategy for developing this talent involves setting aside dedicated time each day for practice, focusing on different techniques and pieces, and possibly attending workshops or masterclasses to learn from experienced musicians. I also want to enhance my performance by participating in recitals and competitions to gain more experience and confidence.

I feel very passionate about playing the piano. This talent makes me feel joyful and fulfilled. I am enthusiastic about improving because music has always been a significant part of my life. The idea of refining my skills and possibly performing at a higher level excites me immensely. This passionate pursuit of musical excellence is something that motivates me daily, and I am determined to cultivate this talent to its fullest potential.