IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a food of another country you would like to try

Describe a food of another country you would like to try
You should say:
What it is
Where you can eat it
How you know about this food
And explain why you would like to try it

Useful Vocabulary and Expressions

1. What it is:

  • Vocabulary: dish, cuisine, specialty, delicacy, meal
  • Expressions:
    • “The food I would like to try is…”
    • “It’s a famous dish from…”
    • “This cuisine is known for…”

2. Where you can eat it:

  • Vocabulary: location, restaurant, region, country, place
  • Expressions:
    • “You can eat it in…”
    • “It is commonly served at…”
    • “This dish is popular in…”

3. How you know about this food:

  • Vocabulary: discovered, heard, read, saw, learned
  • Expressions:
    • “I first heard about this dish from…”
    • “I learned about this food through…”
    • “I discovered it when…”

4. Explain why you would like to try it:

  • Vocabulary: curious, intrigued, fascinated, interested, eager
  • Expressions:
    • “I would like to try it because…”
    • “The reason I want to taste it is…”
    • “I am eager to try it due to…”


  1. traditional dish
  2. exotic cuisine
  3. unique flavors
  4. famous for
  5. cultural experience
  6. culinary adventure
  7. popular destination
  8. food documentary
  9. authentic restaurant
  10. local delicacy

Sample Answer

The food I would like to try is sushi, which is a famous dish from Japan. Sushi consists of vinegared rice accompanied by various ingredients such as raw fish, vegetables, and seaweed. It’s a staple of Japanese cuisine and is known for its delicate and unique flavors.

You can eat sushi in many places around the world, but the best and most authentic experience would be in Japan itself, particularly in cities like Tokyo and Osaka. These cities are known for their high-quality sushi restaurants, some of which have been serving this delicacy for generations.

I first heard about this dish from a food documentary I watched on television. The documentary showcased the meticulous preparation and presentation of sushi, highlighting its importance in Japanese culture. Additionally, I’ve read about sushi in food magazines and have seen it featured in various travel shows.

I would like to try sushi because I am intrigued by its unique flavors and the artistry involved in its preparation. The reason I want to taste it is that it represents a culinary adventure and offers a cultural experience that is different from the food I am used to. I am eager to try it due to the exotic cuisine and the idea of enjoying a local delicacy in an authentic restaurant in Japan. It would be a memorable experience to savor this traditional dish in the country where it originated.