IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom you admire (or TV show )

Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom you admire (or TV show )
You should say:
What character it is
Who acted the character
When you saw the film
And explain whether you like this character

Useful Vocabulary and Expressions

1. What character it is:

  • Vocabulary: role, protagonist, hero, lead character, persona
  • Expressions:
    • “The character I admire is…”
    • “This character is known for…”
    • “In the film, the role of… is portrayed by…”

2. Who acted the character:

  • Vocabulary: actor, actress, performer, star, celebrity
  • Expressions:
    • “The character is played by…”
    • “This role was performed by…”
    • “The talented actor/actress behind this character is…”

3. When you saw the film:

  • Vocabulary: time, occasion, viewing, experience, screening
  • Expressions:
    • “I first saw the film…”
    • “I watched this movie during…”
    • “My first viewing of this film was…”

4. Explain why you like this character:

  • Vocabulary: admiration, qualities, attributes, traits, impact
  • Expressions:
    • “I admire this character because…”
    • “The reason I like this character is…”
    • “This character stands out to me due to…”


  1. compelling character
  2. outstanding performance
  3. lead role
  4. memorable portrayal
  5. complex personality
  6. emotional depth
  7. character development
  8. inspirational figure
  9. iconic role
  10. nuanced acting

Sample Answer

The character I admire is Atticus Finch from the film “To Kill a Mockingbird.” This character is known for his unwavering integrity, moral courage, and dedication to justice.

The character is played by Gregory Peck. The talented actor behind this character delivered an outstanding performance that has become iconic in the history of cinema.

I first saw the film during a classic movie night at my university a few years ago. My first viewing of this film was during a literature course where we discussed the book and then watched the movie adaptation.

I admire this character because of his moral integrity and courage. Atticus Finch stands out to me due to his commitment to justice and his ability to remain calm and composed even in the face of extreme prejudice and hostility. The reason I like this character is that he represents the ideals of fairness, empathy, and the courage to stand up for what is right, even when it is unpopular.

Gregory Peck’s nuanced acting and memorable portrayal brought emotional depth to the character, making Atticus Finch not just a legal hero but also an inspirational figure. The complex personality and character development throughout the film are compelling, showing both his strengths and vulnerabilities. This combination of attributes makes Atticus Finch a timeless and inspirational figure for audiences, demonstrating the power of integrity and moral courage.