IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a child that you know

Describe a child that you know
You should say:
Who this child is and how often you see him or her
How old this child is
What he or she is like
And explain what you feel about this child.

Useful Vocabulary and Expressions

1. Who this child is and how often you see him or her:

  • Vocabulary: relation, encounter, frequency, meetings, interaction
  • Expressions:
    • “The child I want to describe is…”
    • “I see him/her…”
    • “This child is someone I…”

2. How old this child is:

  • Vocabulary: age, years old, in their, range
  • Expressions:
    • “He/she is…”
    • “At the age of…”
    • “Currently, he/she is…”

3. What he or she is like:

  • Vocabulary: personality, characteristics, behavior, traits, demeanor
  • Expressions:
    • “He/she is very…”
    • “This child has a…”
    • “His/her personality is…”

4. Explain what you feel about this child:

  • Vocabulary: feelings, emotions, thoughts, impressions, affection
  • Expressions:
    • “I feel…”
    • “My feelings towards this child are…”
    • “What I love about him/her is…”


  1. bright personality
  2. endearing qualities
  3. loving nature
  4. curious mind
  5. delightful child
  6. playful demeanor
  7. strong bond
  8. close relationship
  9. deep affection
  10. cheerful disposition

Sample Answer

The child I want to describe is my niece, Emily. I see her almost every weekend when she visits my house with her parents. We have a close relationship and spend a lot of time together.

Emily is six years old. Currently, she is in her first year of elementary school and is always eager to share stories about her day at school.

Emily has a bright personality and is always full of energy. This child has a curious mind and loves asking questions about everything she sees. Her playful demeanor makes her a delight to be around, and she often engages in imaginative games. She is also very kind and considerate, always willing to share her toys with other children.

I feel a deep affection for Emily. My feelings towards this child are filled with love and admiration. What I love about her is her cheerful disposition and her ability to make everyone around her smile. She has endearing qualities that make her truly special, and her loving nature creates a strong bond between us. Spending time with her is always a joy, and I feel grateful to have such a delightful child in my life.