IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 1

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Wild Animals

1. Are there many wild animals in your country?


  • Diversity of wildlife in the country.
  • Specific regions known for wildlife.
  • Conservation efforts and challenges.

Useful expressions:

  • Diversity of wildlife: “Yes, there are many wild animals in my country, including,” “The biodiversity in my country allows for the presence of,” “Various species of wild animals can be found in different regions of.”
  • Specific regions: “Certain regions are known for their rich wildlife, such as,” “Wildlife is particularly abundant in areas like,” “The [specific region] is home to a variety of wild animals.”
  • Conservation efforts: “Efforts are being made to conserve and protect the habitats of,” “Conservation initiatives play a crucial role in preserving the population of,” “Challenges related to habitat loss and poaching impact the well-being of.”

Sample answer:

Yes, there are many wild animals in my country, ranging from diverse bird species to mammals like deer and bears. The biodiversity in my country allows for the presence of various species of wild animals in different regions. Certain regions, such as national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, are known for their rich wildlife. However, there are also challenges related to habitat loss and poaching that impact the well-being of these animals. Efforts are being made through conservation initiatives to preserve their habitats and ensure the sustainable coexistence of wildlife and human activities.

2. Do you often see animals in the zoo or in the wild?


  • Frequency of visiting zoos or encountering wildlife.
  • Different experiences in zoos and the wild.
  • Preferences for observing animals.

Useful expressions:

  • Frequency of visiting zoos: “I occasionally visit zoos to see,” “My visits to zoos are not very frequent, but I enjoy,” “While I don’t go to zoos often, I appreciate the opportunity to observe.”
  • Encountering wildlife in the wild: “Encountering animals in the wild is a rare but,” “Seeing wildlife in their natural habitat is,” “I have had the opportunity to observe animals in the wild during.”
  • Preferences for observing animals: “I appreciate both zoo experiences and,” “Observing animals in the wild provides a different perspective compared to,” “Each setting offers unique opportunities for learning about.”

Sample answer:

I occasionally visit zoos to see a variety of animals and learn more about their behaviors and habitats. While my visits to zoos are not very frequent, I enjoy the educational aspect of observing different species in one place. On the other hand, encountering animals in the wild is a rare but thrilling experience. Seeing wildlife in their natural habitat is truly special and provides a different perspective compared to the structured environment of a zoo. I have had the opportunity to observe animals in the wild during hiking trips and nature expeditions, and each setting offers unique opportunities for learning about their natural behaviors.

3. Which one do you prefer? Why?


  • Advantages of observing animals in zoos.
  • Benefits of encountering animals in the wild.
  • Personal preferences based on experiences.

Useful expressions:

  • Advantages of zoos: “Zoos provide a controlled environment for,” “Observing animals in zoos allows for close,” “The educational aspect of zoos makes them suitable for.”
  • Benefits of encountering animals in the wild: “Encountering animals in the wild offers a glimpse into their natural behaviors,” “Seeing wildlife in their natural habitat contributes to a deeper understanding of,” “The thrill of observing animals in the wild is unmatched, especially when.”
  • Personal preferences: “While I appreciate the educational aspect of zoos, I prefer,” “My preference leans towards observing animals in the wild because,” “The unique experiences and close encounters in the wild make it my preferred.”

Sample answer:

While I appreciate the educational aspect of zoos and the opportunity to observe a variety of animals up close, my preference leans towards encountering animals in the wild. Observing animals in zoos provides a controlled environment for learning, and it allows for close observation of species that may not be easily seen in the wild. However, the unique experiences and close encounters with wildlife in their natural habitat make it my preferred choice. There’s a thrill in witnessing animals exhibiting their natural behaviors, and it contributes to a deeper understanding and appreciation for the beauty of nature.

4. Have you seen any program about wild animals recently?


  • Television programs or documentaries about wildlife.
  • Platforms or channels for wildlife programs.
  • Impact of wildlife programs on awareness.

Useful expressions:

  • Television programs or documentaries: “Yes, I recently watched a program/documentary about,” “There are various television channels or platforms that showcase,” “Watching programs about wild animals is a great way to.”
  • Platforms or channels: “I often tune in to channels like,” “Platforms such as streaming services offer a variety of,” “Documentaries about wild animals are commonly featured on.”
  • Impact on awareness: “These programs contribute to raising awareness about,” “Watching wildlife programs educates viewers on the conservation efforts for,” “I find that programs about wild animals inspire a sense of.”

Sample answer:

Yes, I recently watched a documentary about endangered species and conservation efforts to protect their habitats. There are various television channels and streaming platforms that showcase informative programs about wild animals. I often tune in to channels like National Geographic and Animal Planet, which offer a variety of documentaries featuring different species and their ecosystems. Watching programs about wild animals is a great way to stay informed and educated about the challenges they face. I find that these programs contribute to raising awareness about conservation efforts and inspire a sense of responsibility towards the well-being of our planet and its inhabitants.