IELTSIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 1

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Weather

Here are some common questions that you may be asked in the IELTS Speaking Exam.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Look at the question carefully and think about some ideas for this.
  2. Pay atttention to suggested ideas to see whether they can help build up your answers.
  3. Try to use the phrases provided to structure your answers in the more appropriate way.
  4. Answer the question.
  5. Read the sample answer at the end to see what you can learn from it.
  6. Learn some useful vocabulary related to the topic.


1. What is your favorite type of weather?

– Ideas: You might enjoy sunny weather because it’s warm and cheerful, or you might enjoy rainy weather because it’s cozy and calming. Think about the types of weather that make you feel the most comfortable and happy.

– Useful phrases: “My favorite type of weather is [type of weather] because…”, “I enjoy [type of weather] because it makes me feel [adjective]…”, “I find [type of weather] to be the most [adjective] because…”

2. What kind of weather do you dislike the most?

– Ideas: You might dislike extreme weather such as extreme heat or cold, or you might dislike rainy weather because it’s inconvenient. Think about the types of weather that make you feel uncomfortable or unhappy.

– Useful phrases: “The type of weather that I dislike the most is [type of weather] because…”, “I find [type of weather] to be very [adjective] because…”, “I don’t enjoy [type of weather] because it makes me feel [adjective]…”

3. What is the weather like in your hometown?

– Ideas: The weather in your hometown might be influenced by factors such as its location, its climate, or the season. Think about what the weather is typically like in your hometown.

– Useful phrases: “The weather in my hometown is usually [adjective]…”, “Because my hometown is located in [location], the weather tends to be [adjective]…”, “The weather in my hometown is influenced by [factor], which means that it’s usually [adjective]…”

4. What kind of weather do you think is best for outdoor activities?

– Ideas: You might think that sunny weather is best for outdoor activities such as hiking or swimming, or you might think that cooler weather is better for activities such as running or playing sports. Think about the types of weather that are most conducive to outdoor activities.

– Useful phrases: “I think that [type of weather] is best for outdoor activities because…”, “When the weather is [type of weather], it’s perfect for [activity] because…”, “Outdoor activities are most enjoyable when the weather is [type of weather] because…”

5. How does the weather affect your mood?

– Ideas: The weather can affect your mood in different ways, depending on your personal preferences and experiences. Think about how different types of weather make you feel.

– Useful phrases: “The weather can have a big impact on my mood because…”, “When the weather is [type of weather], I tend to feel [adjective] because…”, “I find that my mood is influenced by the weather, especially when it’s [type of weather]…”

6. What kind of weather do you think is best for sleeping?

– Ideas: You might think that cooler weather is best for sleeping because it’s more comfortable, or you might think that rainy weather is better because it’s soothing. Think about the types of weather that make it easier for you to sleep.

– Useful phrases: “I think that [type of weather] is best for sleeping because…”, “When the weather is [type of weather], I find that I sleep more [adjective] because…”, “I prefer to sleep when the weather is [type of weather] because it helps me feel more [adjective]…”