IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 1

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Gifts

1. Do you enjoy giving gifts to others? Why or why not?


  • The joy of giving.
  • Expressing care and thoughtfulness.
  • Cultural or personal reasons for enjoying gift-giving.
  • The anticipation of the recipient’s reaction.

Useful expressions:

  • Expressing enjoyment: “I find great joy in,” “It brings me happiness to,” “I genuinely enjoy the act of.”
  • Reasons for enjoyment: “It allows me to express my feelings of,” “I appreciate the opportunity to show my,” “It’s a way for me to convey my.”

Sample answer:

Yes, I genuinely enjoy giving gifts to others. It brings me happiness to express my feelings of care and thoughtfulness through the act of gift-giving. I find that selecting a meaningful gift and anticipating the recipient’s reaction adds a special and rewarding element to the entire experience.

2. Have you ever sent handmade gifts to others?


  • Personal touch and uniqueness of handmade gifts.
  • Skills or hobbies involved in creating handmade gifts.
  • Special occasions for sending handmade gifts.

Useful expressions:

  • Describing actions: “On several occasions, I’ve created,” “I enjoy putting effort into making,” “I have a knack for crafting.”
  • Highlighting uniqueness: “Handmade gifts carry a personal touch,” “I believe they are more meaningful because,” “I find joy in creating something unique for.”

Sample answer:

Yes, on several occasions, I’ve created and sent handmade gifts to others. I have a knack for crafting, and I find joy in putting effort into making something unique for special occasions. Handmade gifts, in my opinion, carry a personal touch that commercially produced items may lack, and I believe they are more meaningful because of the time and effort invested in creating them.

3. How do you usually choose a gift?


  • Consideration of the recipient’s preferences and interests.
  • Occasion-specific gift selection.
  • Personalized gifts vs. general gifts.

Useful expressions:

  • Discussing considerations: “I take into account the recipient’s,” “I consider their interests and preferences,” “It’s important for me to choose a gift that reflects.”
  • Making distinctions: “I differentiate between personalized gifts and,” “Occasion-specific gifts require,” “I aim for a balance between general and.”

Sample answer:

When choosing a gift, I always take into account the recipient’s preferences and interests. It’s important for me to select something that reflects their personality and makes the gift-giving experience more thoughtful. For special occasions, I might opt for occasion-specific gifts, ensuring they align with the event. Striking a balance between personalized gifts and those with broader appeal is something I aim for, as it adds a thoughtful touch without losing a sense of practicality.

4. Can you share an experience of giving a special gift to someone?


  • Occasion and context of the gift.
  • The recipient’s reaction and emotions.
  • The thought process behind choosing the particular gift.

Useful expressions:

  • Setting the scene: “On a memorable occasion,” “During a significant event in their life,” “I recall a special moment when.”
  • Expressing emotions: “Their reaction was priceless,” “It was heartwarming to see,” “The gift seemed to resonate with their emotions.”
  • Describing the thought process: “I put a lot of thought into choosing,” “I considered their interests and,” “The idea was to convey my feelings of.”

Sample answer:

On a memorable occasion, I recall giving a special gift to a close friend who had achieved a significant milestone in their life. I put a lot of thought into choosing a gift that would resonate with their interests and convey my feelings of pride and happiness for them. The moment they opened the gift, their reaction was priceless, and it was heartwarming to see how much the gesture meant to them. This experience reinforced my belief in the power of thoughtful gift-giving to create lasting and meaningful connections.