IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 1

IELTS Speaking 2025 Part 1: Chatting

1. Do you often chat with friends?


  • Frequency of chatting.
  • Preferred communication methods.
  • The importance of keeping in touch.

Useful expressions:

  • Describing frequency: “I chat with my friends quite often,” “Talking with friends is a regular part of my routine.”
  • Mentioning communication methods: “I usually use messaging apps or social media to chat,” “Phone calls and texting are the main ways I stay in touch.”
  • Highlighting importance: “It’s important for me to keep in touch with my friends,” “Chatting helps us share updates and stay connected.”

Sample answer:

Yes, I chat with my friends quite often. Keeping in touch with them is important to me. I usually use messaging apps or social media for chatting. It’s a regular part of my routine, and it helps us share updates and stay connected.

2. What kinds of things do you usually chat about with your friends?


  • Daily experiences.
  • Shared interests or hobbies.
  • Seeking advice or support.
  • Making plans for future activities.

Useful expressions:

  • Discussing daily experiences: “We talk about what happened during our day,” “Sharing our daily experiences is common.”
  • Exploring common interests: “Our chats often revolve around shared interests like,” “Discussing hobbies and interests is a common topic.”
  • Seeking advice or support: “Sometimes we talk about problems and give each other advice,” “Our conversations include seeking support and guidance.”
  • Making plans: “We often make plans for future activities,” “Planning things like outings or trips is something we discuss.”

Sample answer:

When I chat with my friends, we talk about what happened during our day. Our conversations also revolve around shared interests like movies, books, or sports. Sometimes, we discuss problems and give each other advice, and our chats often include seeking support and guidance. We also like making plans for future activities, like outings or trips.

3. Do you prefer to chat online or face to face?


  • Convenience and accessibility of online communication.
  • Personal connection and nuances in face-to-face conversations.
  • Situational preferences based on context and relationship.

Useful expressions:

  • Addressing convenience: “Online chatting is convenient when,” “The accessibility of online communication makes it easy for.”
  • Highlighting personal connection: “Face-to-face conversations allow for a deeper connection,” “Nuances in facial expressions and body language add a personal touch to.”
  • Considering situational preferences: “Depending on the context, I may prefer,” “For quick updates or when face-to-face is not possible, I find,” “In more personal or intimate situations, I lean toward.”

Sample answer:

I like both online and face-to-face chats, but it depends on the situation. Online chatting is convenient when I want to share quick updates or when face-to-face is not possible. The accessibility of online communication makes it easy for me to stay in touch, especially with friends who are far away. However, for a deeper connection, I prefer face-to-face conversations. The nuances in facial expressions and body language add a personal touch that online chatting sometimes lacks.

4. Do you prefer group chat or individual chat?


  • Dynamics and benefits of group chat.
  • Personalization and depth in individual chat.
  • Situational preferences based on the purpose of communication.

Useful expressions:

  • Discussing group chat dynamics: “Group chat is good for,” “It’s helpful when we need to,” “In larger social circles or for organizing events, I appreciate the dynamics of.”
  • Highlighting individual chat benefits: “Individual chat allows for more personalized,” “For deeper conversations or when I need support,” “In one-on-one interactions, I can focus on.”

Sample answer:

I like both group chat and individual chat, depending on what we need to talk about. Group chat is good for sharing news and making plans together. It’s helpful when we need to coordinate things or organize events. But when I want more personalized or deep conversations, I prefer individual chat. In one-on-one interactions, I can focus on the specific things we need to discuss, especially if it’s something more personal or important.