IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2Speaking Part 3

IELTS Speaking 2025 Part 2&3: Describe a Person You Know Who Helps Protect the Environment 🌍

Describe a Person You Know Who Helps Protect the Environment 🌍

Ideas 💡

  • Who this person is → A teacher, a friend, a family member, or an activist
  • What they do → Organize clean-up campaigns, promote recycling, plant trees, educate people
  • How you feel about their actions → Impressed, inspired, motivated to do the same
  • Why you admire them → Making a difference, raising awareness, setting an example

Useful Grammar & Structures 🏗️

Present simple & present perfect (He always promotes sustainable living / She has been involved in environmental projects for years…)
Cause-and-effect sentences (Because of his efforts, many people have changed their habits…)
Hypothetical situations (If more people followed his example, our city would be much cleaner…)

Collocations & Idioms 🌟

  1. Raise environmental awareness 🌎 (nâng cao nhận thức về môi trường)
  2. Lead by example 👏 (làm gương cho người khác)
  3. Take proactive steps 🚶 (chủ động hành động)
  4. Make a lasting impact 🌱 (tạo ảnh hưởng lâu dài)
  5. Go the extra mile 🏃 (cố gắng hơn mong đợi)

Full Sample Answer (2+ minutes) 🌍

A person I know who is deeply committed to protecting the environment is my uncle, who works as an environmental scientist. He has always been passionate about nature and has dedicated his life to raising environmental awareness. One of the things I admire most about him is that he doesn’t just talk about sustainability—he actually leads by example.

For instance, he organizes community clean-up events in our neighborhood, where he encourages people to collect trash and recycle properly. He also conducts environmental workshops at schools to educate students about climate change and the importance of conserving natural resources. On top of that, he has planted dozens of trees in our area to improve air quality and combat deforestation.

I truly respect his dedication because he always goes the extra mile to make a difference. Thanks to his efforts, more people in our community have become conscious of their environmental impact and have started adopting sustainable habits. Personally, his actions have inspired me to reduce my plastic waste and be more mindful of my carbon footprint.

I believe that if more people had the same level of commitment as my uncle, the world would be a much greener and healthier place. He is proof that small actions can lead to a lasting impact, and that’s why I deeply admire him.

🌍 Part 3: Follow-up Questions & Answers 🌱

1. Do you think young people are more aware of environmental protection than older people?

Ideas 💡

Yes, because… Young people have access to social media, environmental campaigns, and school programs
No, because… Older generations may have lived closer to nature and been more resourceful
Depends on location – Urban vs. rural areas

Collocations 🌟

  1. Environmentally conscious 🌎 (có ý thức về môi trường)
  2. Sustainability-focused mindset 🍃 (tư duy tập trung vào bền vững)
  3. Actively involved in green initiatives 🌱 (tham gia tích cực vào các sáng kiến xanh)

Sample Answer 🌿

I think young people today are generally more environmentally conscious than older generations because they have access to more information about climate change and sustainability through the internet and social media. Many schools also promote a sustainability-focused mindset, encouraging students to recycle and conserve resources. However, older people, especially those who grew up in rural areas, often have a natural respect for the environment because they were raised in a time when people reused materials and wasted less.

2. What activities harm the environment?

Ideas 💡

Deforestation → Cutting down trees for urbanization
Pollution → Air, water, and plastic pollution
Overconsumption → Wasting resources like water and electricity

Collocations 🌟

  1. Contribute to climate change 🌡️ (góp phần gây biến đổi khí hậu)
  2. Increase carbon footprint 🚗 (làm tăng lượng khí thải carbon)
  3. Destroy ecosystems 🦜 (phá hủy hệ sinh thái)

Sample Answer 🌎

Many human activities harm the environment. For example, deforestation destroys wildlife habitats and contributes to climate change. Pollution from factories and vehicles also increases the carbon footprint. Additionally, people’s habit of overconsumption—such as wasting food, electricity, and plastic—has a severe impact on natural resources.

3. How can children be educated about protecting the environment?

Ideas 💡

Interactive learning → Games, storytelling, and nature trips
School programs → Recycling projects, tree planting, eco-clubs
Parental guidance → Encouraging small habits at home

Collocations 🌟

  1. Instill eco-friendly habits 🏡 (hình thành thói quen thân thiện với môi trường)
  2. Engage in hands-on learning 🎨 (học tập thực tiễn)
  3. Make sustainability fun 🎉 (biến sự bền vững thành điều thú vị)

Sample Answer 🌍

Children should be taught about environmental protection from a young age. Schools can instill eco-friendly habits by organizing tree-planting days or setting up recycling stations. Parents should also encourage their kids to engage in hands-on learning, like gardening or reducing water waste at home. Most importantly, environmental education should not feel like a chore—it should be enjoyable! For example, using cartoons or storytelling can make sustainability fun and more memorable for children.

4. Do you think it is good to buy unnecessary things from the supermarket?

Ideas 💡

No, because… It leads to overconsumption, waste, and environmental damage
Yes, sometimes… If the items are gifts or bring happiness, but moderation is key

Collocations 🌟

  1. Encourage impulsive buying 🛍️ (khuyến khích mua sắm bốc đồng)
  2. Contribute to unnecessary waste 🚮 (gây ra lãng phí không cần thiết)
  3. Promote mindful consumption 💡 (khuyến khích tiêu dùng có ý thức)

Sample Answer 🛒

In my opinion, buying unnecessary things from the supermarket is not a good habit because it encourages impulsive buying and often contributes to unnecessary waste. Many people purchase items they don’t actually need, and this leads to excessive packaging and wasted resources. Instead, people should promote mindful consumption by making a shopping list and only buying what is truly necessary.

5. Is volunteering common among young people?

Ideas 💡

Yes, because… Many students join volunteer programs for community service
No, because… Some young people are too busy with studies and social media

Collocations 🌟

  1. Engage in meaningful activities 🤝 (tham gia vào các hoạt động ý nghĩa)
  2. Make a positive difference(tạo ra sự khác biệt tích cực)
  3. Give back to the community 🏡 (đóng góp cho cộng đồng)

Sample Answer ❤️

Yes, volunteering is quite popular among young people because they want to engage in meaningful activities and give back to the community. Many students participate in environmental clean-up projects or charity events to make a positive difference. However, some young people are too focused on social media or schoolwork and may not have the time to volunteer regularly.