IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 1

IELTS Speaking 2025 Part 1: Library

1. Do you prefer studying at the library or at home?

  • Useful expressions:
    • I prefer studying at… because it allows me to…
    • One advantage of studying at home is… but on the other hand,…
    • For me, it really depends on…
  • Grammar structure: Present Simple for preferences and Comparatives for advantages/disadvantages.
  • Sample answer:
    I prefer studying at the library because it allows me to focus without distractions. At home, it’s easy to get sidetracked by my phone or other activities, but in a library, I feel more motivated to concentrate. One advantage of studying at home is that it’s more comfortable, but on the other hand, the quiet atmosphere of a library helps me stay productive. For me, it really depends on what I’m studying—if I need to do group work, I might choose a library, but if I’m reading or writing, I prefer staying at home.

2. Did you go to the library when you were a child?

  • Useful expressions:
    • When I was a child, I used to…
    • I remember spending hours in the library, especially when…
    • It was a great place for me because…
  • Grammar structure: Past Simple for childhood experiences and Used to for past habits.
  • Sample answer:
    When I was a child, I used to go to the library quite often, especially during weekends or summer holidays. I remember spending hours in the library, especially when I had to do school projects or wanted to read new books. It was a great place for me because it had a huge collection of books, and I loved the peaceful environment. I think going to the library helped me develop a love for reading at a young age.

3. Would you work in a library if you had a chance?

  • Useful expressions:
    • If I had the opportunity, I would love to…
    • I think working in a library would be interesting because…
    • However, one challenge might be…
  • Grammar structure: Second Conditional (If I had… I would…) for hypothetical situations.
  • Sample answer:
    If I had the opportunity, I would love to work in a library, especially if it involved helping people find books or organizing reading events. I think working in a library would be interesting because I enjoy being surrounded by books, and I love the idea of helping others discover new knowledge. However, one challenge might be that it could get a bit repetitive at times, especially if the job mostly involves sorting books and keeping the library quiet.

4. How do you think libraries will change in the future?

  • Useful expressions:
    • In the future, I believe libraries will become more…
    • With the rise of digital technology, libraries might…
    • I think libraries will always be important because…
  • Grammar structure: Future forms (will, might, going to) for predictions.
  • Sample answer:
    In the future, I believe libraries will become more technology-driven, with more digital books and interactive learning spaces. With the rise of digital technology, libraries might offer more online resources and even virtual reality experiences for learning. However, I think libraries will always be important because they provide a quiet and inspiring environment for people to read and study, which can’t always be replaced by digital tools.