IELTS WritingLatest NewsWriting Task 2

Đề thi thật IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 11/07/2024: Animal Extinction

It is a natural process for animal species to become extinct (e.g. Dinosaurs, dodos …) There is no reason why people should try to prevent this from happening. Do you agree or disagree?

Suggested Answer 

The extinction of animal species is indeed a natural process, as seen throughout history with the disappearance of dinosaurs and dodos. However, I strongly disagree with the notion that humans should not intervene to prevent further extinctions. While some extinctions are part of nature, many current threats to species are caused by human activities, making it our responsibility to address them.

Firstly, human activities have accelerated the rate of extinction beyond natural levels. Industrialization, deforestation, and pollution have destroyed habitats, leaving many species without the environment they need to survive. For example, the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has led to the endangerment of countless species, many of which may face extinction if these practices continue.

Secondly, biodiversity is crucial for maintaining the balance of ecosystems, which in turn supports human life. When a species becomes extinct, it can disrupt the entire food chain, leading to unforeseen consequences for other species, including humans. For instance, the decline in bee populations due to pesticide use has raised concerns about the pollination of crops, which directly affects food production and global food security.

Lastly, humans have the ethical responsibility to protect endangered species from extinction. Many species are becoming extinct due to human actions such as poaching and habitat destruction, which are preventable with proper conservation efforts. A prime example is the successful conservation programs for the giant panda, which have helped bring the species back from the brink of extinction through dedicated human intervention.

In conclusion, while extinction is a natural process, the current rate of species loss is largely driven by human activities. Therefore, it is imperative that we take action to prevent further extinctions to preserve biodiversity, maintain ecosystem balance, and fulfill our ethical obligations.


Useful Vocabulary

  1. Natural process (quá trình tự nhiên): The regular progression of events in nature, like the extinction of species.
  2. Deforestation (nạn phá rừng): The large-scale clearing of forests.
  3. Biodiversity (đa dạng sinh học): The variety of plant and animal life in a particular habitat.
  4. Ecosystem (hệ sinh thái): A community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
  5. Endangered species (loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng): Species at risk of extinction.


Useful Collocations

  1. Accelerate the rate of extinction (tăng tốc độ tuyệt chủng): To speed up the process in which species die out.
  2. Destroy habitats (phá hủy môi trường sống): To damage or completely ruin the natural homes of species.
  3. Maintain the balance of ecosystems (duy trì sự cân bằng của hệ sinh thái): To keep the natural interactions between species and their environment stable.
  4. Raise concerns (dấy lên mối lo ngại): To cause worry or anxiety about an issue.
  5. Ethical responsibility (trách nhiệm đạo đức): The moral duty to act in a certain way.
  6. Conservation efforts (nỗ lực bảo tồn): Actions taken to preserve and protect the environment and wildlife.
  7. Face extinction (đối mặt với sự tuyệt chủng): To be at risk of dying out completely.