Editor’s PickVocabulary

5 good collocations for Writing essays

1. Play a crucial role

  • Education plays a crucial role in shaping the future of young generations.
  • Renewable energy sources play a crucial role in addressing climate change.
  • Parents play a crucial role in fostering their children’s emotional development.
  • Technology plays a crucial role in modern healthcare by improving treatment outcomes.
  • Tourism plays a crucial role in the economy of many developing countries.
  • Governments play a crucial role in regulating industries to prevent environmental damage.
  • Social media plays a crucial role in how people communicate in today’s society.
  • Teachers play a crucial role in nurturing students’ critical thinking skills.
  • Economic policies play a crucial role in reducing income inequality within nations.
  • Infrastructure development plays a crucial role in improving the quality of life in urban areas.

2. Take into consideration

  • Policymakers must take into consideration the social impact of automation on employment.
  • When building new infrastructure, governments should take into consideration the environmental consequences.
  • Before approving any new law, politicians should take into consideration public opinion.
  • Universities should take into consideration the diverse learning styles of students when designing curricula.
  • Urban planners must take into consideration the need for green spaces in cities.
  • Businesses should take into consideration cultural differences when expanding into international markets.
  • In healthcare, doctors must take into consideration a patient’s mental health alongside physical symptoms.
  • When developing renewable energy projects, we must take into consideration the cost to consumers.
  • Economists must take into consideration the effects of inflation when predicting future market trends.
  • In designing social policies, governments must take into consideration the needs of disadvantaged groups.

3. Have a significant impact

  • The rise of online shopping has a significant impact on traditional brick-and-mortar stores.
  • Climate change has a significant impact on global biodiversity and ecosystems.
  • Social media platforms have a significant impact on the way information is shared.
  • The implementation of stricter gun laws can have a significant impact on reducing crime rates.
  • Urbanization has a significant impact on rural communities and agricultural practices.
  • An individual’s educational background can have a significant impact on their career opportunities.
  • High levels of pollution have a significant impact on public health in densely populated cities.
  • International trade agreements have a significant impact on the economic growth of participating nations.
  • The quality of a country’s healthcare system can have a significant impact on life expectancy.
  • Technological advancements in transportation have a significant impact on global travel and tourism industries.

4. In terms of

  • In terms of sustainability, electric vehicles are a better option than gasoline-powered cars.
  • In terms of education, Finland is often considered one of the top-performing countries in the world.
  • In terms of economic growth, developing nations are catching up with more established economies.
  • In terms of gender equality, many countries still have a long way to go in bridging the wage gap.
  • In terms of technology adoption, younger generations tend to be more adaptable to new innovations.
  • In terms of public health, access to clean water is a fundamental necessity.
  • In terms of employment, automation poses both opportunities and challenges.
  • In terms of renewable energy, solar and wind power are becoming increasingly cost-effective.
  • In terms of transportation, investing in high-speed rail networks could reduce traffic congestion.
  • In terms of environmental protection, stricter regulations on industries are necessary.

5. Raise awareness

  • Campaigns to raise awareness about recycling have led to increased participation in many cities.
  • Schools should organize events to raise awareness about the dangers of cyberbullying.
  • Governments must raise awareness about the importance of vaccination to prevent disease outbreaks.
  • Nonprofit organizations are working to raise awareness about poverty in underdeveloped regions.
  • Documentaries can be a powerful tool to raise awareness about environmental issues like deforestation.
  • Efforts to raise awareness about mental health have led to more people seeking help for depression.
  • Public health initiatives aim to raise awareness about the dangers of smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Social media influencers play a key role in raising awareness about climate change among younger audiences.
  • Education campaigns are crucial to raising awareness about the consequences of distracted driving.
  • Charities often work to raise awareness about neglected diseases that affect millions worldwide.