Editor’s PickNEWSVocabulary

Words in the news: Gen Z are the worst at recycling

Gen Z are the worst at recycling
Nicole Cherruault

Source: The Times 27 Sept 2024, page 10

Recycling rates in the UK have fallen, government statistics show, with Gen Z most likely to ignore appeals not to discard plastics and cardboard despite perceptions that they are the most eco-conscious.

The UK recycling rate for waste from households was 44.1 percent in 2022, down from 44.6 percent in 2021, official figures show. England was the only country in the UK not to improve in 2022, with a recycling rate of 43.4 percent. It was put to shame by Wales, which recycled 56.9 percent.

Under-27s were worst at recycling, a separate poll suggested: 92 percent of Gen Zs admitted throwing something in the bin because they could not be bothered to clean it. Baby boomers—aged 60 to 78—were found to be the most diligent.

A lack of recycling bins in public places and confusion over what can and cannot be recycled were among the excuses given by Gen Z for not recycling.

Michael Orye, managing director of European recycling at DS Smith, the paper and packaging company that commissioned the poll, said: “What we’re seeing is a generational gap when it comes to recycling. We must come together to… ensure that all generations have the information to become elite recyclers.”


  1. Appeal /əˈpiːl/
    • Meaning: A serious request for help or support. (Lời kêu gọi)
    • Example: The government made an appeal for citizens to reduce their energy consumption.
    • Synonyms: request, plea, petition.
    • Collocations:
      • Public appeal: The authorities made a public appeal for donations after the disaster.
      • Urgent appeal: There was an urgent appeal for people to reduce water usage during the drought.

  1. Discard /dɪsˈkɑːd/
    • Meaning: To throw something away or get rid of it. (Vứt bỏ)
    • Example: Many people discard plastic bottles instead of recycling them, which harms the environment.
    • Synonyms: throw away, dispose of, get rid of.
    • Collocations:
      • Discard waste: It is essential to discard waste properly to protect the environment.
      • Discard material: Factories must discard material that cannot be reused responsibly.

  1. Perception /pəˈsɛpʃən/
    • Meaning: The way something is understood or thought of by people. (Nhận thức)
    • Example: There is a growing perception that urbanization negatively impacts air quality in large cities.
    • Synonyms: viewpoint, understanding, interpretation.
    • Collocations:
      • Public perception: The public perception of climate change has shifted over the last decade.
      • Common perception: There is a common perception that renewable energy is too expensive, which is not always true.

  1. Diligent /ˈdɪlɪdʒənt/
    • Meaning: Working hard and putting effort into tasks. (Chăm chỉ, siêng năng)
    • Example: Students who are diligent in their studies are more likely to succeed in the IELTS exam.
    • Synonyms: hardworking, industrious, meticulous.
    • Collocations:
      • Diligent student: A diligent student always completes assignments on time and seeks to improve.
      • Diligent work: The success of the project was due to the team’s diligent work.

  1. Commission /kəˈmɪʃən/
    • Meaning: To formally request someone to do a task or create something. (Ủy quyền, đặt hàng)
    • Example: The government commissioned a report on how to improve urban infrastructure.
    • Synonyms: order, authorize, assign.
    • Collocations:
      • Commission a report: The city council decided to commission a report on public transport improvements.
      • Commission research: Universities often commission research to gather data on important social issues.

  1. Generational gap /ˌdʒɛnəˈreɪʃənəl ɡæp/
    • Meaning: Differences in opinions or behaviors between different generations. (Khoảng cách thế hệ)
    • Example: There is a clear generational gap in attitudes towards technology use, with younger people more reliant on digital devices.
    • Synonyms: generation divide, generational difference.
    • Collocations:
      • Widening generational gap: The widening generational gap is evident in how younger and older people view the internet.
      • Bridging the generational gap: Education can play a key role in bridging the generational gap.

  1. Poll /pəʊl/
    • Meaning: A survey or study to gather opinions or information. (Cuộc thăm dò ý kiến)
    • Example: A recent poll found that most people support renewable energy initiatives.
    • Synonyms: survey, questionnaire, study.
    • Collocations:
      • Conduct a poll: Researchers often conduct a poll to understand public opinion on environmental policies.
      • Opinion poll: The latest opinion poll shows strong support for climate action.

  1. Recycling rate /rɪˈsaɪklɪŋ reɪt/
    • Meaning: The percentage of waste materials that are recycled. (Tỷ lệ tái chế)
    • Example: The city’s recycling rate has improved significantly due to new environmental policies.
    • Synonyms: recycling percentage, recycling level.
    • Collocations:
      • Increase the recycling rate: Governments are working to increase the recycling rate through better waste management systems.
      • High recycling rate: Countries with a high recycling rate often have strong environmental education programs.

  1. Confusion /kənˈfjuːʒən/
    • Meaning: A lack of understanding or certainty. (Sự nhầm lẫn, bối rối)
    • Example: There is a lot of confusion about which items can be recycled, leading to lower recycling rates.
    • Synonyms: misunderstanding, uncertainty, disorientation.
    • Collocations:
      • Cause confusion: The lack of clear instructions on recycling can cause confusion among citizens.
      • Widespread confusion: There was widespread confusion over the new waste disposal guidelines.

  1. Elite /ɪˈliːt/
    • Meaning: The best or most skilled people in a group. (Tinh hoa, giỏi nhất)
    • Example: The elite universities are often at the forefront of innovative research on climate change.
    • Synonyms: top-tier, best, leading.
    • Collocations:
      • Elite group: The elite group of scientists was invited to the international climate summit.
      • Elite university: Studying at an elite university opens many opportunities for research and development.