Editor’s PickVocabulary

Vocabulary: Environment

Vocabulary: Environment

Task 1: Matching Meanings

Match the vocabulary words with their correct definitions.

  1. Sustainable
  2. Compost
  3. Fossil fuels
  4. Pollution
  5. Greenhouse gases
  6. Renewable energy
  7. Organic
  8. Deforestation
  9. Recycle
  10. Awareness


a) A form of energy that can be replenished over time.
b) The removal of trees from forests on a large scale.
c) Turning waste into reusable material.
d) A mixture of decayed organic matter used to fertilize soil.
e) Causing little or no damage to the environment and able to be maintained for a long time.
f) A type of fuel made from the remains of plants and animals.
g) The release of harmful substances into the environment.
h) Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere.
i) Grown or produced without chemicals.
j) Knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.

Task 2: Fill-in the Blanks

Complete the sentences using the words in the list: environment, water, volunteer, plant, litter, reduce, reuse, public transport, protect, clean-up.

  1. We should all help to __________ endangered species.
  2. The government is encouraging citizens to use __________ to reduce traffic congestion and pollution.
  3. It is important to __________ plastic waste by using reusable items.
  4. Every weekend, we organize a __________ event to help keep our neighborhood tidy.
  5. Recycling and __________ old materials can help save natural resources.
  6. It’s better to __________ trees in your garden than buy plastic decorations.
  7. Dropping __________ in public spaces is not only illegal but also harmful to the environment.
  8. Many students __________ their time to help clean up local parks.
  9. We should all do our part to keep the __________ safe and healthy.
  10. Saving __________ by turning off taps when not in use helps reduce your water bill.

Task 3: Two-Option Questions

Choose the correct option from the two given for each question.

  1. The increase in carbon footprint/natural resources is linked to higher energy consumption.
  2. It’s essential to support biodiversity/habitats to maintain a healthy ecosystem.
  3. Solar energy/fossil fuels is renewable and doesn’t pollute the environment.
  4. Global warming/green lifestyle has contributed to rising sea levels.
  5. Compost/Waste can be used to fertilize gardens.
  6. Pollution/Rubbish affects the air quality in big cities.
  7. Climate change/Organic farming is causing drastic weather patterns globally.
  8. Wildlife/Deforestation is home to many species of animals.
  9. Reduce/Reuse your carbon emissions by using public transport.
  10. Conservation/Greenhouse gases is essential for protecting endangered species.
  11. Vegetation/Sustainable farming includes crops and plants found in an area.
  12. Adopt/Protect sustainable methods of energy to help the environment.
  13. Biodiversity/Carbon emissions represent the variety of species in an ecosystem.
  14. Water/Solar energy is a resource that we need to conserve for future generations.
  15. Litter/Waste is often left in public areas after large events.
  16. Wind energy/Fossil fuels is often used in wind farms to generate electricity.
  17. Natural resources/Wildlife such as water and minerals are crucial to human life.
  18. Using renewable energy/fossil fuels is a more sustainable way to power homes.
  19. Deforestation/Recycling involves cutting down large areas of forest.
  20. Wildlife/Natural resources are being affected by habitat loss.

Task 4: Reading Passage with Multiple Choice Questions

Reading Passage:

In recent years, the push for a greener, more sustainable lifestyle has gained global momentum. People are increasingly adopting eco-friendly habits such as recycling, reducing their carbon footprint, and switching to renewable energy sources like solar and wind energy. The benefits of these actions are immense. Renewable energy reduces reliance on fossil fuels, which are a significant contributor to global warming and pollution.

Another vital component of a green lifestyle is reducing waste. This can be achieved through simple actions such as using reusable items, recycling materials, and participating in local clean-up events. Composting organic waste is another method that reduces the amount of rubbish sent to landfills while also providing rich nutrients for plants.

Awareness of environmental issues such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change is rising. More people are realizing the importance of conserving natural resources and protecting habitats for wildlife. Deforestation, for example, not only destroys the homes of many species but also contributes to increased carbon emissions.

To protect biodiversity, it’s essential to support conservation efforts that preserve both animal habitats and vegetation. Sustainable farming and eco-friendly methods are becoming more common, as people acknowledge the need to reduce harm to the environment. Through education and community efforts, a green lifestyle is becoming more achievable for everyone.

Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. What is a benefit of using renewable energy?
    a) It increases pollution.
    b) It reduces reliance on fossil fuels.
    c) It destroys habitats.
  2. How can waste be reduced?
    a) By sending rubbish to landfills.
    b) By reusing items and recycling.
    c) By using more plastic.
  3. What is composting?
    a) A way to make energy from waste.
    b) A method of creating fertilizers from organic waste.
    c) A process that increases carbon emissions.
  4. What is one consequence of deforestation?
    a) It reduces carbon emissions.
    b) It improves air quality.
    c) It destroys habitats and increases carbon emissions.
  5. Why is protecting biodiversity important?
    a) To preserve natural resources and reduce pollution.
    b) To make more space for farming.
    c) To increase fossil fuel use.
  6. How does sustainable farming help the environment?
    a) By increasing pollution.
    b) By reducing harm to natural ecosystems.
    c) By cutting down more forests.
  7. What is the purpose of local clean-up events?
    a) To generate energy.
    b) To reduce waste in public areas.
    c) To plant trees.
  8. What is the main goal of a green lifestyle?
    a) To consume more natural resources.
    b) To reduce environmental harm and promote sustainability.
    c) To rely more on fossil fuels.

Task 5: Speaking Questions (IELTS Format)

  1. What are the main benefits of adopting a green lifestyle?
    Suggested Idea: Talk about reducing carbon footprints, using renewable energy, and recycling.
  2. How can individuals reduce their carbon emissions?
    Suggested Idea: Discuss using public transport, reducing waste, and conserving energy.
  3. Do you think recycling should be mandatory for everyone? Why or why not?
    Suggested Idea: Highlight environmental benefits and personal responsibility.
  4. What is the role of renewable energy in protecting the environment?
    Suggested Idea: Explain how it reduces reliance on fossil fuels and decreases pollution.
  5. How does deforestation impact wildlife and biodiversity?
    Suggested Idea: Focus on habitat destruction and increased carbon emissions.
  6. What actions can be taken to conserve water and natural resources?
    Suggested Idea: Mention turning off taps, using water-efficient appliances, and protecting natural resources.

Task 6: IELTS Essay Question

Essay Question:
Some people believe that living a green lifestyle requires too much effort and sacrifice. Others think that it’s necessary for protecting the environment. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Essay Guidelines:

  1. Introduction:
    • Paraphrase the question and introduce both viewpoints.
  2. Body Paragraph 1 (View 1):
    • Argument: Living a green lifestyle demands significant changes in daily habits, such as recycling, reducing waste, and switching to renewable energy.
    • Example: Many feel that avoiding single-use plastics or using public transport requires too much effort.
    • Counterpoint: However, small changes over time can make a big difference.
  3. Body Paragraph 2 (View 2):
    • Argument: Others believe that making eco-friendly choices is essential for the future of the planet.
    • Example: Using renewable energy and conserving resources helps reduce pollution and protect the environment.
    • Explanation: Though some effort is required, the long-term benefits outweigh the short-term sacrifices.
  4. Conclusion:
    • Summarize both views and provide your opinion. For example, “While a green lifestyle may seem challenging, the positive impact on the environment is worth the effort.”

Task 6: Listening Test

Sentence Completion Questions:

  1. Climate change is primarily caused by the release of __________ gases into the atmosphere.
  2. Fossil fuels are a major source of __________ emissions.
  3. Solar and __________ energy are important renewable power sources.
  4. Governments and private companies are investing in solar farms and __________ turbines.
  5. Recycling materials helps reduce waste and conserves __________ resources.
  6. Composting organic waste reduces the amount of rubbish sent to __________.
  7. Deforestation not only destroys habitats but also releases __________ into the atmosphere.
  8. Forests act as carbon __________ by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
  9. Conserving __________ is important, especially in regions facing drought.
  10. Individual actions like participating in local __________ events can help protect the environment.



Task 1: Matching Meanings

  1. Sustainable – e) Causing little or no damage to the environment and able to be maintained for a long time.
  2. Compost – d) A mixture of decayed organic matter used to fertilize soil.
  3. Fossil fuels – f) A type of fuel made from the remains of plants and animals.
  4. Pollution – g) The release of harmful substances into the environment.
  5. Greenhouse gases – h) Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere.
  6. Renewable energy – a) A form of energy that can be replenished over time.
  7. Organic – i) Grown or produced without chemicals.
  8. Deforestation – b) The removal of trees from forests on a large scale.
  9. Recycle – c) Turning waste into reusable material.
  10. Awareness – j) Knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.

Task 2: Fill-in the Blanks

  1. We should all help to protect endangered species.
  2. The government is encouraging citizens to use public transport to reduce traffic congestion and pollution.
  3. It is important to reduce plastic waste by using reusable items.
  4. Every weekend, we organize a clean-up event to help keep our neighborhood tidy.
  5. Recycling and reusing old materials can help save natural resources.
  6. It’s better to plant trees in your garden than buy plastic decorations.
  7. Dropping litter in public spaces is not only illegal but also harmful to the environment.
  8. Many students volunteer their time to help clean up local parks.
  9. We should all do our part to keep the environment safe and healthy.
  10. Saving water by turning off taps when not in use helps reduce your water bill.

Task 3: Two-Option Questions

  1. The increase in carbon footprint/natural resources is linked to higher energy consumption.
    • Answer: carbon footprint
  2. It’s essential to support biodiversity/habitats to maintain a healthy ecosystem.
    • Answer: biodiversity
  3. Solar energy/fossil fuels is renewable and doesn’t pollute the environment.
    • Answer: Solar energy
  4. Global warming/green lifestyle has contributed to rising sea levels.
    • Answer: Global warming
  5. Compost/Waste can be used to fertilize gardens.
    • Answer: Compost
  6. Pollution/Rubbish affects the air quality in big cities.
    • Answer: Pollution
  7. Climate change/Organic farming is causing drastic weather patterns globally.
    • Answer: Climate change
  8. Wildlife/Deforestation is home to many species of animals.
    • Answer: Wildlife
  9. Reduce/Reuse your carbon emissions by using public transport.
    • Answer: Reduce
  10. Conservation/Greenhouse gases is essential for protecting endangered species.
    • Answer: Conservation
  11. Vegetation/Sustainable farming includes crops and plants found in an area.
    • Answer: Vegetation
  12. Adopt/Protect sustainable methods of energy to help the environment.
    • Answer: Adopt
  13. Biodiversity/Carbon emissions represent the variety of species in an ecosystem.
    • Answer: Biodiversity
  14. Water/Solar energy is a resource that we need to conserve for future generations.
    • Answer: Water
  15. Litter/Waste is often left in public areas after large events.
    • Answer: Litter
  16. Wind energy/Fossil fuels is often used in wind farms to generate electricity.
    • Answer: Wind energy
  17. Natural resources/Wildlife such as water and minerals are crucial to human life.
    • Answer: Natural resources
  18. Using renewable energy/fossil fuels is a more sustainable way to power homes.
    • Answer: renewable energy
  19. Deforestation/Recycling involves cutting down large areas of forest.
    • Answer: Deforestation
  20. Wildlife/Natural resources are being affected by habitat loss.
    • Answer: Wildlife

Task 4: Reading Passage – Multiple Choice Questions

  1. What is a benefit of using renewable energy?
    • b) It reduces reliance on fossil fuels.
  2. How can waste be reduced?
    • b) By reusing items and recycling.
  3. What is composting?
    • b) A method of creating fertilizers from organic waste.
  4. What is one consequence of deforestation?
    • c) It destroys habitats and increases carbon emissions.
  5. Why is protecting biodiversity important?
    • a) To preserve natural resources and reduce pollution.
  6. How does sustainable farming help the environment?
    • b) By reducing harm to natural ecosystems.
  7. What is the purpose of local clean-up events?
    • b) To reduce waste in public areas.
  8. What is the main goal of a green lifestyle?
    • b) To reduce environmental harm and promote sustainability.

Task 5: Speaking Questions (Suggested Ideas)

  1. What are the main benefits of adopting a green lifestyle?
    Suggested Idea: Talk about reducing carbon footprints, using renewable energy, and recycling.
  2. How can individuals reduce their carbon emissions?
    Suggested Idea: Discuss using public transport, reducing waste, and conserving energy.
  3. Do you think recycling should be mandatory for everyone? Why or why not?
    Suggested Idea: Highlight environmental benefits and personal responsibility.
  4. What is the role of renewable energy in protecting the environment?
    Suggested Idea: Explain how it reduces reliance on fossil fuels and decreases pollution.
  5. How does deforestation impact wildlife and biodiversity?
    Suggested Idea: Focus on habitat destruction and increased carbon emissions.
  6. What actions can be taken to conserve water and natural resources?
    Suggested Idea: Mention turning off taps, using water-efficient appliances, and protecting natural resources.

Task 6: IELTS Essay Question

Essay Question:
Some people believe that living a green lifestyle requires too much effort and sacrifice. Others think that it’s necessary for protecting the environment. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Essay Guidelines:

  1. Introduction:
    • Paraphrase the question and introduce both viewpoints.
  2. Body Paragraph 1 (View 1):
    • Argument: Living a green lifestyle demands significant changes in daily habits, such as recycling, reducing waste, and switching to renewable energy.
    • Example: Many feel that avoiding single-use plastics or using public transport requires too much effort.
    • Counterpoint: However, small changes over time can make a big difference.
  3. Body Paragraph 2 (View 2):
    • Argument: Others believe that making eco-friendly choices is essential for the future of the planet.
    • Example: Using renewable energy and conserving resources helps reduce pollution and protect the environment.
    • Explanation: Though some effort is required, the long-term benefits outweigh the short-term sacrifices.
  4. Conclusion:
    • Summarize both views and provide your opinion. For example, “While a green lifestyle may seem challenging, the positive impact on the environment is worth the effort.”

Task 7: Listening Test – Sentence Completion

  1. Climate change is primarily caused by the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
  2. Fossil fuels are a major source of carbon emissions.
  3. Solar and wind energy are important renewable power sources.
  4. Governments and private companies are investing in solar farms and wind turbines.
  5. Recycling materials helps reduce waste and conserves natural resources.
  6. Composting organic waste reduces the amount of rubbish sent to landfills.
  7. Deforestation not only destroys habitats but also releases carbon into the atmosphere.
  8. Forests act as carbon sinks by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
  9. Conserving water is important, especially in regions facing drought.
  10. Individual actions like participating in local clean-up events can help protect the environment.