IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe an occasion when two of your friends had a disagreement

Describe an occasion when two of your friends had a disagreement
You should say:
What they argued about
Why they argued with each other
What happened at the end
How you felt about it

Useful Vocabulary and Expressions

1. What they argued about:

  • Vocabulary: disagreement, dispute, conflict, argument, clash
  • Expressions:
    • “The disagreement was about…”
    • “They argued over…”
    • “The conflict arose because…”

2. Why they argued with each other:

  • Vocabulary: reason, cause, issue, misunderstanding, difference of opinion
  • Expressions:
    • “The reason for their argument was…”
    • “They had a difference of opinion on…”
    • “The cause of their disagreement was…”

3. What happened at the end:

  • Vocabulary: resolution, reconciliation, compromise, made up, settled
  • Expressions:
    • “At the end, they…”
    • “The conflict was resolved when…”
    • “They eventually…”

4. How you felt about it:

  • Vocabulary: uncomfortable, concerned, relieved, empathetic, anxious
  • Expressions:
    • “I felt very…”
    • “Watching them argue made me feel…”
    • “I was relieved when…”


  1. heated argument
  2. differing opinions
  3. tense situation
  4. resolve the conflict
  5. find common ground
  6. misunderstand each other
  7. reach a compromise
  8. patch things up
  9. emotional reaction
  10. create tension

Sample Answer

The disagreement was about which movie to watch during our weekend get-together. My friends, Emily and Jack, had a heated argument over this seemingly trivial issue.

The reason for their argument was a difference of opinion. Emily wanted to watch a romantic comedy, while Jack was in the mood for a science fiction movie. They both felt strongly about their choices and neither was willing to compromise at first. The cause of their disagreement was also influenced by their personal tastes in movies, which were quite different.

At the end, they resolved the conflict by deciding to watch both movies. They agreed to watch the romantic comedy first, followed by the science fiction movie. This compromise helped to settle the dispute and allowed everyone to enjoy the evening without further tension.

I felt very uncomfortable watching them argue. The tense situation made me anxious, as I didn’t want the disagreement to ruin our get-together. However, I was relieved when they found a solution and managed to patch things up. Seeing them reach a compromise and find common ground reassured me that their friendship was strong enough to handle such disagreements. The experience reminded me of the importance of understanding and respecting differing opinions, especially among friends.