IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a time when you received money as a gift (birthday, wedding)

Describe a time when you received money as a gift (birthday, wedding)
You should say:
When it happened
Who gave you money
Why he/she gave you money
And explain how you felt about it

Useful Vocabulary and Expressions

1. When it happened:

  • Vocabulary: occasion, event, celebration, milestone, memorable
  • Expressions:
    • “This happened during…”
    • “It was on the occasion of…”
    • “The event took place when…”

2. Who gave you money:

  • Vocabulary: relative, family member, friend, mentor, significant other
  • Expressions:
    • “I received the money from…”
    • “It was given to me by…”
    • “The person who gave me the money was…”

3. Why he/she gave you money:

  • Vocabulary: gift, gesture, token, appreciation, support
  • Expressions:
    • “He/She gave me the money because…”
    • “It was a gesture of…”
    • “The money was given as a…”

4. How you felt about it:

  • Vocabulary: grateful, appreciative, touched, delighted, thankful
  • Expressions:
    • “I felt very…”
    • “It made me feel…”
    • “I was particularly…”


  1. memorable occasion
  2. received money
  3. family celebration
  4. significant event
  5. heartfelt gesture
  6. token of appreciation
  7. financial support
  8. deeply touched
  9. genuinely grateful
  10. unexpected gift

Sample Answer

This happened during my last birthday, a memorable occasion that I celebrated with close friends and family. I received money from my aunt, who has always been very supportive and generous.

She gave me the money because she wanted me to have the freedom to buy something I really wanted or needed. It was a gesture of love and support. My aunt mentioned that she thought a monetary gift would be more practical than buying something that I might not use or need.

I felt very grateful and touched by this heartfelt gesture. It made me feel appreciated and cared for. I was particularly happy because it was an unexpected gift that came at a time when I was saving up for a new laptop. This financial support helped me reach my goal faster, and I felt genuinely thankful for her kindness. The experience was not only delightful but also made me realize how thoughtful and considerate my aunt is.