IELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a time when you missed or were late for an important meeting/event

Describe a time when you missed or were late for an important meeting/event

You should say:

What happened

When it happened

Why you missed/were late for it

And explain you felt about this experience



What happened:

  • Missed flight: you overslept or traffic jam made you miss your flight.
  • Late for an interview: you got lost on the way to the interview or unexpected circumstances caused a delay.
  • Missed a friend’s wedding: you had a family emergency or a previous commitment that you forgot about.

When it happened:

  • Missed flight: on the day of an important business trip or vacation.
  • Late for an interview: for a job you really wanted or for an internship.
  • Missed a friend’s wedding: on the day of the wedding or during the wedding ceremony.

Why you missed/were late for it:

  • Missed flight: overslept or traffic jam caused a delay.
  • Late for an interview: you got lost on the way or unexpected circumstances caused a delay.
  • Missed a friend’s wedding: you had a family emergency or a previous commitment that you forgot about.

And explain how you felt about this experience:

  • Embarrassed: you felt bad about letting someone down or being unprofessional.
  • Regretful: you wished you had done something differently or planned better.
  • Disappointed: you felt sad about missing out on a great opportunity or event.



When introducing the topic:

  • I’d like to talk about a time when I missed an important event.
  • I want to share a story about a time when I was late for something crucial.

When describing what happened:

  • I remember waking up to my alarm, only to realize that I had missed my flight.
  • On the day of the interview, I had mapped out the directions to the company, but I still got lost on the way there.
  • I was looking forward to my friend’s wedding for weeks, but a family emergency came up, and I missed it.

When discussing your feelings about the experience:

  • I was so embarrassed that I had to apologize to my boss and reschedule the business trip.
  • I regretted not planning my schedule better and wished I had set multiple alarms to make sure I woke up on time.
  • I was so disappointed that I couldn’t attend my friend’s wedding and missed out on such a special day.



I’d like to talk about a time when I was late for an important interview. It happened last year when I was invited for an interview for a job I had been eagerly pursuing.

On the day of the interview, I had carefully planned my route and left with ample time. However, I encountered unexpected circumstances that caused a significant delay. There was a major accident on the highway, resulting in a massive traffic jam. Despite my best efforts to navigate through alternate routes, I ended up being late for the interview.

I felt incredibly embarrassed about the situation. I knew the interview was crucial for my career prospects, and being late was unprofessional and reflected poorly on me. I immediately called the company to apologize and explain the situation. Fortunately, they were understanding and rescheduled the interview for a later date.

Reflecting on the experience, I regretted not accounting for potential delays in my travel plans. I realized that I should have left even earlier or researched alternate modes of transportation to ensure I arrived on time. It was a valuable lesson in planning and time management, and I vowed to be more diligent in the future.

The disappointment I felt was immense. I had prepared extensively for the interview and was genuinely excited about the opportunity. Missing out on the chance to showcase my skills and qualifications was disheartening. However, I used this setback as motivation to improve myself and ensure I wouldn’t repeat the same mistake.

In the end, I rescheduled the interview and had the opportunity to showcase my abilities. Although the experience was initially filled with embarrassment and regret, it taught me the importance of thorough planning and the need to account for unforeseen circumstances. I learned from my mistake and grew more determined to seize opportunities with better preparation in the future.